
Oh look, someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about.

You’re supposed to be looking at an animated map of one of the best 2D games ever made, and a game that enough people here on kotaku hold dear to warrant an article.

Me? FFXII, as it’ll probably be more popular among PC gamers (due to its more WRPG-like approach). That, and I need an excuse to play through it again; barely scratched the surface in my first and only playthrough

Still waiting for Final Fantasy IX on PC...

Still relevant to what? Matters how? I can't tell what either of you are trying to prove, here.

Releasing optional instruments is not the same as pumping out yearly releases

You didn’t actually read what I wrote.

As much as I like what Rockband are doing (releasing the 1 game and support with DLC)

I was in a marked bike lane. All parties have agreed that the motorist was at fault. (Opening a car door into the way of a bicycle is against the law where I live.) I agree that a lot of cyclists ignore the rules of the road much of the time and that by doing so they give cyclists in general a bad name, but in this

This shit is why I’m fighting with a fucking insurance company over a motorist who opened his car door into the path of my bicycle and caused me to need 14 stitches IN MY FACE. It just like people who false report rape: YOU’RE MAKING THIS HARDER FOR ALL THE REAL VICTIMS, ASSHOLES.

Sounds like a story about a transgender taking advantage of a drunk guy and date raping him.

Totally awful. They overhauled everything and made it garbage. I'd rather a thin coat of fresh paint than this disgusting garbage desecrating The Finest Game Ever Made with its filthy footsteps.

I hate mods like that. I love modding stuff, don't get me wrong, but I hate mods that break immersion or fundamentally change the game. Those mods are fun but ultimately a novelty. It wears off pretty quick. But good mods are enduring. For example: Here is a screenshot I took in Skyrim after modding the graphics quite

I liked Cinematic mod until like update 5 in which they abandoned this kind of updating the vanilla graphics into turning HL2 into some kind of twisted plastic Anime parody.

No, but if your preferences consist of taking a positive female character and turning her into sexualized doll for you to jerk off too...well, I think my preferences are a little better than yours. Also, for the record, totally calm. The most I am right now is annoyed.

...and the endless addition of BRIDGES AND FERNS.

Make those responsible take responsibility and not blame it on 'culture' maybe?

So what you're telling me... is that Valve hires people... and those people make a video game... and Valve releases it...

as if Valve would ever make another video game!

Hey, even if you hadn't previously written about Destiny's DLC exclusivity, I think it's nonsense that people call you out on it. Who the fuck cares if you wrote about it when Sony pulled the same dumb bullshit with Destiny? This article isn't specifically about Microsoft or EA or Sony; it's about how the practice is