
Listen, I don’t really care what gun control is enacted; it wouldn’t affect my ability to buy a gun, but I can’t help but thinking that focusing on assault weapons is misplaced. Not that I begrudge anyone working on that, but as a practical matter assault weapons are responsible for a minuscule number of deaths in

The majority of those deaths are at the hands of illegally obtained firearms, which new legislation would not fix. There will be violent crimes and sexual assaults that will occur that previous gun owners would believe could have been avoided had their guns not been taken away. Those are the other problems I was

Sadly, it really does. Violent crime in America is below average and lower than its been since records for these kinds of things have been taken. I wish it was zero, but we are progressing in the right direction. It’s easy to forget that when you see things like this, but America is one of the safest places you could

I think even gun owners know gun violence is a problem. They’re just waiting on a solution that doesn’t cause them other problems.

Why is it so hard for you to accept that there is no utopia? Everyday is a gift, not a guarantee. Bad things will always happen. This is an unfortunate event, but it happens everyday somewhere. This is just more heavily publicized. May she rest in peace.

Don’t forget they’re also business associates. Emotions aside, they are likely calculating the #brand impact—Lebron certainly is, because that’s his primary motive in life. DG had to consider a suspension, which is why he didn’t really get physical at all (random arm swipes were just a way to let Lebron know that DG

In this particular play, James knocked Green over, which wasn’t necessarily bad. However, he then stepped over Green, which you can see at the end of the gif. He had to lift his leg pretty high to do so; it was not the most efficient way to move forward. That is a dick move.

That there is some fine selective gif editing. Almost makes it look like LeBron did nothing.

Too bad he’s a crybaby. Was there a single play that he wasn’t bitching about getting a call?

Wait. Lebron James has testicles?? Well this is a completely unforeseen circumstance. Who would have guessed based on his career thus far?

James is so insecure and frightened of losing his place as the face of the nba to curry he was running his fucking mouth and trying to intimidate him, too. James sees his basketball mortality and it scares the piss out of him.

All James did was mouth off to Green during the play, and as soon as the play was over he got behind his teammates and then proceeded to “tough guy” it behind the safety of JR Smith holding him back. I guess the fire doesn’t burn so hot in Cleveland, though you’d expect it would what with their title drought.

according the Chris Broussard, LeFraud flipped out because Draymond called him a bitch

I would love the opportunity to hit LeBron in the dick.

Damn, LeBron at the end of that game... What a biggity-biiiiiiiiiiiiig baby.

Am I the only one who was pissed at LeBron for this? I love LeBron but the step over is reserved for great moments, not when your team is getting beat on your home floor

I like how the announcers were foaming at the mouth for Draymond to get a technical, even though he was casually walking away and LeBron was diving headfirst off the deep end.

I would eliminate automatic first downs for defensive contact fouls. I mean, I get why the NFL does it, but it so unnecessarily stacks the deck in favor of offenses that it makes the game hard(er) to watch.

Yes, because I understand what an investor is.

+1 Hee Haw