
The only time I’ve ever struck another human being in my life was in high school when a boy came up behind me and grabbed my ass, giving both cheeks a squeeze. I whirled around and clocked him on the nose. He actually fell, clutching his injured schnozz. I just stared because I was shocked he had touched me, and

This kind of reminds me of a time a super hot guy slapped me on the ass at a concert and I was pissed because if he’d just said hello like a human I would have given him permission to slap me on the ass in private later.

Last time I went to the club a guy asked me to dance, so I did and in the middle of dancing he just casually rested his hand on my breasts. Like, yep, we danced half a song, I guess this is what happens now. When I walked away my friend was like ‘It seemed like you were okay with it.’

If Green plays in Game 4 and the Warriors eventually take the series, the “This league is fixed!” shouts may never stop coming from Oklahoma City.

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Steph Curry is wasting his talents on this basketball thing. I say without a shadow of a doubt he’d be the greatest beer pong player who ever walked the earth.

No Sanders supporter owes Clinton their vote. The onus is on her to earn those votes, and if she can’t, then she’s flawed, not the voters.

Reign of Fire is the best movie I’ve seen him in.

I like the idea of a limited number of IBB’s/game. Never really thought about it and I don’t think you see too many anyway, but it would be neat. Just hard to enforce with the “pitch around” walk. Though I suppose that just increases the risk of screwing up and throwing a wild pitch if you’d already done away with the

That’s the Nats problem, not the opposing teams problem. This whole idea that it’s chicken shit baseball is ludicrous. Last time I checked managers and players get paid to win ball games, not worry about opposing teams players and fans feelings.

This seems like it would have been a great chance to just say nothing. I can’t conceive of a possible statement that makes Barron or PSU look good.

They screw it up mostly because there is nowhere near enough time on those shows to actually use one.

They screw it up mostly because there is nowhere near enough time on those shows to actually use one.

He didn’t disrespect her, though. He was not obligated to tell her. They are not friends off the air.

Well, if we consult the McCann Convention, I’m sure all of the following would be violations: Smiling, laughing, displaying admiration and respect for an opponent’s achievement, acknowledging implicitly that playing baseball can be fun, and having a name that ends in one of them funny foreign letters like ‘Z’.

There is only one valid truth here - choosing not to decrypt your hard drive is a protection of your right to avoid self-incrimination. Enshrined by the Constitution as the 5th amendment. The items in the Constitution are above any law created by Congress or the courts and it has been interpreted for the digital era

Rarely, do people understand why we acknowledge and accept that some crimes will go unpunished in order to secure greater freedom for everyone.

Seriously, as a dude, ESPECIALLY when I was a teen dude, there’s no way any kind of way a vagina can look to scare us away. It’s a vagina! And a living breathing woman is willing to let you look at it, and maybe even touch it or put something in it!

In my opinion, The Hunt for Red October is Alec Baldwin’s best movie. I mean no disrespect for Harrison Ford in any way, I just feel that Baldwin knocked the role of Jack Ryan out of the park.

Is it laziness? How can you not just lock yourself in a gym during the offseason with a shooting coach. How can a professional not hit at least 70%?

The obvious strategy would be to take all of her clothes off, cut herself and soak the clothes with blood. Try her best to stop the bleeding, throw the clothes in the opposite direction and swim to the shore.

Even if it doesn’t work, I would still pay to see it ...