
Since you seem to also not really understand how Due Process works, let me clarify something for you:

There’s a key difference. The people on Jakku were defenseless. The Storm Troopers he blasts are armed, trying to stop him, and part of an army that kills defenseless people.

I’ve fired both many many times and I personally can’t stand the chunky, plastic feel of the Glock.

Shouldn’t “9/11 play types” refer to charging over Tim Duncan and David Robinson?

You do realize that, in the time she spent stranded on Jakku, she endured the physical portion of Jedi training? Luke has been grooming her to be a Jedi for a very, very long time.

In my experience, Portland is the city that the machine spits all these people out into. Almost nobody that is actually from Portland looks or acts like this.

um, thats ONLY asuming that you would be gainfully employed/otherwise occupied with valuable actions during the time you commute, which, SUPRISE! NOBODY ACTUALLY IS.

Every IT person working telecom support’s nightmare:

*ring ring*

Okay, can you, ah...be more specific? What does it look like on your device when the “internet doesn’t work?”
I literally don’t know what the problem is because you’re not giving me more specific

Romo Down
Now playing

A bad game for the Dallas Cowboys got worse when quarterback Tony Romo was injured after Panthers linebacker Thomas

Those adults didn’t come here to play “fundamental human decency.”

You have some self-esteem issues dude, watching porn doesn’t make you “lust over the actors” on the screen. I watch porn, the men are generally way better built than my boyfriend, it doesn’t make me want to have sex with them.

I weirdly love Nicole Richie. Even back in “The Simple Life” days. It makes me so happy that she smuggles KFC and has trouble logging onto wifi just like the rest of us.

you can’t prove that there is no God either

It just doesn’t bear consideration to her. It’s too absurd to devote time thinking about it*. She doesn’t use or need the information to make life decisions. Religious people do.

You’re an agnostic, not an atheist.

right, but the burden of proof isn’t on the disbeliever, it’s on the person making the unbelievable claims. If I told you I could jump 25 feet in the air, and you didn’t believe me, it wouldn’t be your job to prove that I can’t.

Yeah the answer is clearly Tavaris Jackson