
Absolutely. I can see the police driving around in their wifi-van, treating every house as its own cable channel. "Oh, let's put on the Smiths today and see what they're up to. Kinky!". "Old Man Johnson looks like he has a bong in his hand. Call the judge for a warrant since we 'smelled weed'!"

Some motherfucker on Shark Tank last week was trying to sell an Elf on the Shelf knock off for Halloween where basically the kids turn in most (if not all) of their candy and in the morning (Nov 1st) they have a wrapped present waiting for them! I nearly had a stroke. It’s bad enough that the Christmas ads start

Hmm, yes, why didn’t those teenagers throw themselves in front of a fully-equipped cop with an effective license to kill who is already demonstrating that he’s more than willing to escalate the situation to whatever level of violence he feels like and who has already demonstrated that he will gladly make their lives a

I work in healthcare and get to particpate in some pretty cool life-saving emergent situations. Picture a liter of soda because that’s how I am going to reference quantity.

God, this shit happened all the time when one of my ex-girlfriends worked at Borders. Because of the size of the store, they could never know if the parents were still there, but as the kid’s section supervisor it turned her job into a circus of apprehensive hovering when a toddler was just clomp-clomping around

Dear Mom,

A quick drive that goes nowhere and ends in disaster? That sounds like the Seahawks offense to me.

Restaurants are actually complicit in this. A lot of restaurants—from the hole-in-the-wall to the posh—all have “kids’ menus” with the same things on them - pizza, mac & cheese, chicken nuggets, etc. Restaurants should do away with these unimaginative items and just do kids’ portions of their regular fare and charge

Bless the bride- her MIL is going to be like that for the rest of their marriage.

I was thinking this was the stupidest thing to happen in the NFL this year.

From an aesthetic standpoint I don’t care too much about bat flips, but I will naturally support anything that sets any sport’s “unwritten rules” on fire, so in that sense I am pro-flip.

Does the pitcher wait until he gets to the dugout before screaming? Does the pitcher wait until the end of the inning to celebrate? Celebrating AFTER the moment sounds like a bigger dick move than celebrating in the moment.

“We will get you out 75% of the time if you’re GOOD. We will jump and scream on the mound and stomp back to the dugout if we ring you up in a key situation, or whenever we want, really. But, if you are happy about one of the best moments of your life, we will throw a ball at potentially fatal speeds at your head,

I will always champion those who break the unwritten rules of baseball, because the unwritten rules of baseball are all, 100%, yes even your favorite one, fucking stupid.

Horseshit! The offense shouldn’t get rewarded for fumbling. The endzone is different than the sidelines. I’d even argue that it’s more incongruent that the defense doesn’t get the ball EVERY time the offense fumbles it out of bounds. This stupid logic goes both ways.

And that there’s more than one way to cook eggs. RECOMMENCE THE EGG WARS, BRING IT, MOTHERFUCKERS.

I’m waiting for Mike Huckabee to chime in about how SEE THERE’S A WAR ON CHRISTIANITY. Additionally, I know I’m a terrible person for thinking this, but at least this time, I don’t have to hear about how Islam is ruining the world.

This guy is like a dream board of traits that every person can blame for being particularly violent.

The Leagues (MLB & NHL) and even some teams themselves like MSG (Knicks and Rangers) and the Kraft Group (Patriots) all have direct ownership interest in Draft Kings. The NBA and NBC sports have big stakes in Fan Duel. Everyone from very side of sports is in bed with this stuff in some way or another whether it be