
Whew. I have no doubt this will stop the NFL from draping itself in the flag.

More pitchers need to take it in the earhole. Maybe then they’ll stop being such fragile grit creatures.

The ONLY person who has a right to stand and admire his blasts is Peter North

I know this is two different sports but when james harden murdered ricky rubio’s ankle last year with a nasty crossover and then hit the three on him Rubio didn’t get but hurt about it. And Harden did his signature three point sign clearly showing him up but no one said “ hey James Harden you deserve a clothesline

Did the rules of baseball change?
I thought hitting a home run was the opposite of being shitty at your job.
I thought losing by 9 runs means you’re being shitty at your job.
Maybe you’re defending people who are shitty at their jobs, because you’re one. Solidarity and all that.
Am I applying your “logic” correctly?

When you intentionally walk a batter and the next batter hits a homerun, yeah that guy is going flip the fucking bat and enjoy it, because by not pitching to the hitter ahead of him, you are declaring him to be a shitty hitter. And a hitter will almost always take offense to that.

1. It *is* boring and tedious, especially the first 24 months or so. It gets better.
2. You should consult a medical professional about treatment for post-partum depression. What you are feeling is real, but it’s possible there are chemical things going on in your body and mind that make it seem worse than it is.

My best friend in the whole world is a woman who’s mother committed suicide 20 years ago. There is not a single day that goes by that my friend doesn’t think about her mom. Holidays are especially hard for her. And it;s been two decades.

I think you may be putting me on the wrong side of the coin here, the contracts in the NFL are difficult, but they are what they are and it’s what both sides negotiated for. This is the game they all agreed to play.

Then he should have signed a shorter fucking contract, or held out when his contract was up to get one that he thought was more appropriate.

There isn't a better beard around the Seahawks than Ragnar's. Well, except for Ciara.

I got dumped once because the person I was dating couldn’t find me online. Anywhere. Apparently if I’m not willing to be on facebook I’m hiding something.

It’s the fact that each half is 45 minutes plus however much time the ref feels like adding, and even though he says how much he’s adding you still don’t know exactly when it’s going to end. Plus they just start counting from 45 in the second half even though there may have been extra time added in the first half.

Yes. That was my first thought when I read this article, when Barry incredulously asks WHY Seahawk fans could hate Bevell when we’ve been to two consecutive Super Bowls....and the reason is, we know him. We made two consecutive Super Bowls DESPITE him. I stand with Marshawn’s mom.

Yea totally, and I meant I hate them only because they always add another L to every goddamn season. They are most certainly NOT a hate-able team. And I’ll always love Jeff Fisher for his coin-toss troll job on Snyder.

Holy shit, you literally didn’t even finish the same sentence you are quoting.

No one is better than Berman. I mean that literally. If no one was there it would have been infinitely better than Berman doing the play-by-play.

Where does he fit into the battles of Day Man and Night Man?

This was back oh about 15 years give or take.

When I managed a Borders we were also responsible for this small calendar kiosk on the other side of the shopping center. I was there covering someone’s lunch break and this crazed woman came over demanding why we had no bichon frise calendars. The dog calendar people were always the weirdest.