
I would argue that a multi-millionare spending $50,000 on a wedding is being pretty economic.

“Well gee, if they were employees then maybe we’d be even more liable for one of our employees raping Lizzy Seeberg and somehow getting away with it with our help.”

The amazing thing about The Pats and their *fan base* is that most of them didn’t give a shit about this team prior to 2001 but now they act like they’re The Green Bay Packers with 75 years of history. I remember back to the glorious days when Marino & Kelly would shit all over them and no one in Boston gave a shit

Now playing

“even if all eyes are upon you, you can not give up on cheating.” amen.

yeah - just horrible.

And then squarely blame Lockette after the game for not being “aggressive” enough. That reaaaaally soured me to Bevell after that.

On top of all that, a big portion of the plays success was having Kearse quickly release from the line and get a rub - with Brandon Browner across from him - a guy who was with the Seahawks for years, that is known for getting guys completely jammed up on the line, especially on the goal line .... we all saw it

“I still don’t see how the playcall was so terrible”

This guy has chosen to post chastising this girl for coming down too hard on poor, well-meaning guys who are just trying to make a human connection in this cold lonely world after this girl has just described a situation wherein she was young, in a strange country, working for very low pay and a dude was telling her

Carroll and Schneider...

Peppers are terrible and horrible and I should probably check if I have some sort of allergy since pepper jack cheese makes me physically ill.

Nobody is denying that shootings happen. I am saying you cannot punish the 99.99% of people who do own firearms for the actions of a few individuals. It is ludicrous. If you want to put your cute little stastic into a framework how many people went to school during those 2 decades without incident? a hundred million?

Typical liberal keyboard warrior rhetoric, what do this guy, batman theater guy, and every other shooter - hell - every other KILLER (lets just broaden this scope of conversation) - like nurse mom who dismembered her fucking son, have in common?
THEY ARE MENTALLY ILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No amount of background checking

Weird, I own guns and have never had the inspiration to kill anything, people or animals. They aren’t for protection. They are for shooting clay discs as quickly as possible. OR shooting targets from close or long ranges (depending on which of my guns we are talking about).

“Firearm-related homicides declined 39%, from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011.”

I don’t know what everyone else thinks, but the people who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights are smarter than 99.9999999999999% of the people who have ever lived.

So a Gun was the ONLY way this guy would have killed these two people and wounded another?

Honestly, if they wanted to limit gun ownership to people in militias, the easiest workaround is to start creating civilian militias that you pay a membership to join. I imagine they’d do most of their advertising in gun shops, trade shows and magazines, and the people who want to own guns will all be members or this

Yes bans! Because banning recreational drugs was effective, because banning alcohol was effective, because banning abortion was effective, because outlawing rape was effective, because outlawing murder was effective. Now we don't have those problems.

...whether the amendment to the Constitution that explicitly states (go read it) that people who are in militias can own guns also means that people who are not in militias can own guns, and if so, whether and which citizens should own guns. Most of these opinions will be the incorrect opinion.