
Fisherman: Holy hell! That thing is huge!

The gateway to fan interest in this day and age is the perception of competitive balance. Pete Rozelle understood this, the fans of Montreal understood this, the fans in Kansas City understand this, Major League Baseball didn't and still doesn't. If you cultivate a system where the Yankees can spend three to five

Texas A&M didn't invent the "12th Man" term either, they just took it and trademarked it (in 1990, well after the Seahawks started using the term). The first usage in the USA appears to in reference to University of Minnesota fans in 1900. European soccer teams were using it even before that.

"I went to a leper colony one time, but those little bastards had no gold and definitely no rainbows."

I played competitive sports as a kid. I also competed in musical and performance competitions, spelling bees, and was a force to be reckoned with on the debate team.

That was the greatest Super Bowl ever. I mean, that was supposed to be so freaking close. The untoppable force of the Broncos' offense meets the immovable object of Seattle's defense.

Maybe part of the reason nobody else hit Ward was because Ward was actively avoiding them, while actively aiming for Stewart.

NCAA to Players: It's not fair that the sports that make the most money should follow a different set of rules from all of the other athletes.

That most of us have stories of more freedom as kids makes it so weird to me that this is happening.

Come on, we all know that the dried fruit ranking goes:

1. Mangoes
2. Apricots
3. Pears (I've never actually had a dried one, but fuck it, pears are delicious)
5. Bananas
6. Pineapples
7. Apple Rings, because they

Obama sucks Bush sucked most of our representatives and senators suck. Until campaigns aren't won and lost by money contributed and campaign spending our entire government will continue to suck.

It's not even a matter of, "students can take part-time or work-study jobs if they choose, an option that's simply not realistic for athletes during their seasons", it's a matter that they aren't even allowed to get any job during any part of their collegiate career that earns more than $2,000 per semester.

Ha! And there's no winning, because if the staff understand what plain means, you look like you're insulting them.

Quite honestly, GM makes the Feds look positively efficient by comparison.

At this HUGE company, the "manager" you were speaking to was probably someone like me - not really a manager, but a very competent rep who got slightly more pay, no more privileges (no flex time, same adherence requirements, etc), but got to take about 500% more shit.

It still IS all kinds of terrible. I haven't even begun with the Tales of Terrible of working there - but being forced to take it while customers called us "bitch," "cunt," "whore," and in one office, even "n****r" was company policy across the board.

The summer after I graduated from high school, I worked in the restaurant of a Marriott hotel. A lot of the time there would be business men staying at the hotel for weeks at a time, and they would spend quite a bit of time in the hotel bar. They were generally nice and tipped well, so we didn't really mind that they

This is going to be a very interesting off-season. If LeBron does go to a 3rd team, I wonder how people will treat his legacy, especially if he only wins another championship or two. Key word is "only".