
Exhibit A - The Seattle Mariners.

I hear you there boss!!! I was far from a varsity athlete at the SEC school I went to. (If I had played, I would have been the last singles tennis player, without a scholarship, on some directional school somewhere...so fuck that.

I hate how a lot of people are going to rail on UNC like it's the only school that does this. I went to Penn State, whose alumni pride themselves on "academics first", but I had players in my classes, and most of them weren't seen for weeks, especially the better ones.

The time has come for NCAA coaches to be "amateurs", too. Why professionalize any part of college sports? Tell dadgum Roy he's got to be a "faculty-coach" with a regular teaching/research course load in order to be a coach, and see what happens. Oh, and he'll be paid based on his teaching and research, but not

You are so beyond right, it's not even funny.

It's summertime, which means it's Tourism Time in downtown DC. While I grew up in Maryland, and have lived in both DC and Virginia, I'm used to seeing the White House, the Monuments, the Smithsonians, the Embassies, etc.... I've even worked in a few of the tourist sites in

Seth MacFarlane sucks.

To be accurate, HE didn't harm the American public image, the American government's programs and departments did that.

Harmed the US public image??? How could it get worse after the 'weapons of mass destruction' lies were exposed? As for the programs - just think what Richard Nixon, Joseph McCarthy, or J. Edgar Hoover would have done with the information that current technology is gathering. Or the people currently in the

I would totally support legislature making it completely legal for women to knee a guy in the balls when they pull this shit. Who's with me?

As a man, I want to start a new gender just so that I don't have to be associated with assholes like that. I don't think that I've had a single friend that is a woman who doesn't have a story like that or worse.


I was not the prom type at all. I had no interest. I was sort of an outcast at school, one of those gothy girls who thinks she's special because she can recite Poe from memory. Yeah. I know.

The US sucks at internet.

It drives me nuts how some people don't seem to understand that they're not naming a baby, they're giving a name to a person who will likely have to live with it for the next 80 - 100 years. It must be depressing to be named for some one-hit wonder pop star that nobody remembers or a character from some stupid movie

NJ really isn't at-all unique, in my travels. It's actually one of the easier places to drive in, much better than DC/VA/MD.

To be fair, the food where I worked was excellent, too. Maybe not Volt-level quality, but it was very good. I really liked the cooks — they weren't the problem. Just the dickhead GM.

Is the answer giving more to the quarterbacks and star point guards?

Um, seriously doubt that anyone has ever suggested that fast-twitch muscle fibre predominates among Kenyans (who excel internationally at longer distances, not sprints). Perhaps you're thinking of West Africa?

You absolutely made the right call.