
Ever had a cop tell you to back up when you're standing against the wall? The reality is police officers are not all bright. It requires basically zero education and the ability to carry out laws that are often pretty fucked up and not in society's best interest. Some of them are great, some of them are average, some

Of course I am not upset about Wolf. I am upset by the way the entire organization is run, and this was an opportunity to express that.

As soon as they unveiled the new uniforms, the team received requests from over 40 players to change their number to 80085.

I'm 6 feet 4 inches and have been about this height since I was about 16 (23 now). I agree with this man. Anybody over 6 feet tall is gonna spend the majority of their time with their knees jammed into the seat in front of them. I personally just walk around the cabin every 30 or so minutes. Oh and did I mention my

I sure as hell know what it reminds me of:


I'm probably being too critical of our friend arandomgoon2 there but like you said, in a 4-3 rushing system I think he'd fit right in. It will come down to other factors such as speed, arm length, etc but at the end of the day I don't think small is going to hold this guy back.

What!?!? Small for a OLB? He's 6'3" and weighs 260 pounds.

Here's an extended breakdown of the flaws in this argument. I'm sick and bored, so yeah. I decided to look at some of these arguments. Sure, it's a conspiracy theory. But it's also a lot of excuses to cover for San Francisco's mistakes in the game, especially in the fourth quarter.

So that's why the Niners didn't get flagged for 12 men in the huddle against the Panthers? And Anquan Boldin didn't get flagged 9 times for unsportsmanlike conduct? Because the Powers That Be wanted them to lose in the NFC Championship instead?

Shut the fuck up.

As a Seahawks fan, I can assure you that this game has been exceedingly enjoyable.

That was the epitome of sportmanship. Hence they make EVERY little kid do it after every game in little league.

Yes but one person in an opposing fan base Accidentally dropping Popcorn on a hurt player being carted off the field is WAY WORSE

How about you have to kick the PAT from wherever the line of scrimmage for the touchdown was?

While we are handing out reprimands to idiots, how about the member of the 49ers who did this?

When asked if she is Keyshawn in disguise, she said "Two weeks...two weeks...two...WEEKS..."