Lots of other games to check out instead, that work more based on individual units and ‘skirmish’ rules, rather than huge armies like 40K. Check out Malifaux, for one. Awesome world-building. Great models. Game play is very fun.
Lots of other games to check out instead, that work more based on individual units and ‘skirmish’ rules, rather than huge armies like 40K. Check out Malifaux, for one. Awesome world-building. Great models. Game play is very fun.
Didn’t watch the video, but agree with the sentiment of the posts. I have yet to be impressed with EA’s handling of virtually any major franchise as of late. Like what’s the point of a large publisher like EA buying Bioware? Bioware clearly didn’t need them as an angel investor. They had plenty of power on their own…
Most persistent action games have had to recover from rocky launches, including Destiny, Diablo III, and The Division.
I played about 30 minutes of the demo. I found it intriguing. I LOVED Chrono Trigger and the like. The demo was a bit odd, dropping you right into the middle of the story, but the overall mechanics seem interesting.
Just have to adjust the design a little bit to include some foam and probably a spring, so that it can expand to fit multiple sizes of phones. Great idea. If Nintendo figures out a way to utilize bluetooth from a phone as an additional controller (the way Xbox/PS already do) it would be great to have something like…
I completed the beasts in this order: Elephant>Camel>Bird>Lizard.
Similar feeling here. In a year of being totally swamped with great things to play (looking at you, Nintendo Switch), and just being generally busy with life, I’ve given D2 enough time to beat the story campaigns, do some limited goofing off, and then play the COO story. I had hoped the COO expansion would pull me…
Nintendo is clearly demonstrating what the mainstream gamers have said all along: power doesn’t matter, good games do.
I just got a set of these for Christmas and I LOVE them so far. For relatively cheap headphones, they have some of the best noise isolation I’ve heard in a while. And they fit good and tight. Looking forward to when the weather warms up and I get to test them while doing yard work or such.
I just got a set of these for Christmas and I LOVE them so far. For relatively cheap headphones, they have some of…
Haha! It’s been great reading your updates. Mirrors my own experiences pretty well. It’s been about 5 years since I built mine, and I’ve been playing too much Switch this last year to really even use it. But my favorite thing was getting it all booted up the first time, and then plugging it into my bigscreen TV and…
I think Finn’s pendulum swing is still in full effect all the way through the end of the movie. Another article I read pointed out how Finn is still very self-serving at the beginning of TLJ, and it isn’t until he runs off with Rose, talks with DJ, and sees the corruption in the rest of the galaxy, that he finally…
I think only the most hard-core of hard-core Nintendo gamers are frustrated by the Virtual Console issue. For me, I can’t even find enough time to finish the games I currently own, let alone pick up the other ones recently released and play those too. If there was a Virtual Console available right now, I wouldn’t even…
Argh....when is Logitech gonna get their crap together and also support Apple/Siri/Home support? I don’t want to buy into yet another ecosystem with Alexa.
Argh....when is Logitech gonna get their crap together and also support Apple/Siri/Home support? I don’t want to buy…
100% agree. Conference Champions should all get a spot. Even if they only open that up to the top 6 or 7 conferences, and then 1-2 ‘wild card’ kind of spots. Of course, the biggest problem UCF has had is not that they don’t get to play quality opponents, is that the bigger schools won’t schedule them. Too many…
Proud owner of 2 switches. We have purchased neither the Ethernet Adapter or a Pro Controller. I would hardly call them ‘essential’ accessories. YMMV I suppose on the wifi, but I have a 6-7 year old router, and rarely have trouble running both units at once to play Splatoon.
Definitely one of my favorite series. I’ve not played ALL of them, but darn close to it. My biggest problem at this point is that all the bits and pieces of the games mush together in my brain. Was that thing in X or XII? I don’t remember!
I loved, loved, loved the milk scene. And really, everything on Ach-To was such a great way of showing how Luke had turned into the grumpy old hermit, just like Yoda, with no interest in training any one else ever again. It made the payoff of him learning how to truly become a good teacher so much better. There were…
I don’t understand how you can possibly say that the characters did not develop. Luke CLEARLY changed from the beginning to the end. Poe’s change was clearly shown between the decisions he made in the first battle against the Dreadnaught vs. the last battle on Crait. Rey’s character changed from an insecure girl not…
I don’t know why, until now, I had not put together that both Luke and Rey saw themselves when they went into their respective caves. It was done so differently in TLJ, and was focused on the bigger question about Rey’s parents that it didn’t click for me. I like that they both saw themselves, but for completely…