I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: all of these reviews make me feel guilty for enjoying Anthem.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: all of these reviews make me feel guilty for enjoying Anthem.
The the problem with this generation is they want everything for free and they don’t feel that when a company works hard and making something for everyone that it should cost money for No One. I’m sorry but I don’t feel that way you’ll pay $1,000 for a phone every every year that in my opinion is a waste of money but…
guys remember they price the sub for 20$ a year so its not that bad and you get 20 nes games that they put on a eshop page for 10$ each if they stick with that price im in
Upcoming Square-Enix roleplaying game Octopath Traveler has a release date: July 13th. The demo for this game was phenomenal, so I’m basically vibrating in my seat right now.
I love the Cloverfield movies and this was deeply mediocre and performed the completely pointless task of explaining how they all fit together. That said, my wife and I still watched the whole thing and enjoyed it, even as I mentally noted problem after problem (the centrifugal force “artificial gravity” wouldn’t work…
Mega-publisher creates games with immaculate graphics but needs loot boxes to meet their profit margins. Gamer’s response: “But muh wallet! Greedy!”
The key difference here is Capcom has refined MH over the years and created the ultimate version of it, as a game to be played by new and old players for possibly years to come. Destiny is a platform to sell microtransactions and expansion passes to make as much money as humanly possible in the shortest amount of time.
I do think it’s died down a bit, but this article really highlights why complaints/worries about Nintendo focusing on “gimmicks” are overblown now. The Switch does have a bunch of these quirks/gimmicks loaded in them, but for basically an entire year they mostly went unused, and Nintendo released a bunch of games that…
If you heard racism in that SOTU then you’re hysterical. It was a wonderful speech and everyone on the left looked like hate filled little babies who are against good things.
You don’t have to like Trump to recognize when he does good.
I sure wish I could be elected to waste taxpayer time playing mobile games instead of paying attention as the leader of our nation and, arguably, the free world spoke. That sure would be a nice job.
There’s a lot of factors explaining why one is considered a runaway success and another a flop. BF2 released to an install base probably over ten times larger than BOTW has now almost a year after the game launched. Development costs were probably greatly different as well. I think in the end BOTW ends up outselling…
not to mention the obvious, but this means each household will likely have more than one Switch, which is less likely for a home (only) console.
The MOST impressive Nintendo stat is the amount of people who yearly claimed(and somehow still continue t0) that Nintendo is losing it and they should just go the way of SEGA.
Sorry Totilo, but for me it has to be the lifetime Wii U sales comparison... but not because of that, but because the Switch is probably walking towards breaking Wii records, which is something I really didn’t expect Nintendo to ever accomplish again. Even being an early believer of the Switch, Wii numbers are really…
Agreed about Splatoon 2. I was texting with a friend earlier today and I said the same thing. I had no idea it would sell nearly as well as Zelda. It deserves it, its a great franchise. IMO, Nintendo’s best new franchise since the NES days and best new characters since Star Fox.
I loved the art, the animations, the storytelling and the atmosphere. I thought the battles had some interesting core mechanics, but some of the battles, especially the boss battles really turned into a grind.
It’s not a “heck of a lot of money.” The idiots who are flipping out and saying this is toomuch will happily spend $70 going to the next shitty super hero movie with their kids for an hour and a half. But $70 for 10+ hours of creative fun and learning for the family is too much to handle. Great logic.
Would have been so much easier to just have Deej say “It looks like some of you found an exploit for farming faction tokens in lost sectors, so to encourage players to obtain faction tokens through normal play we added a timer to lost sector tokens while we fix the exploit.”
I definitely missed that the Divine Beasts did not have the “centerpiece” feel of the dungeons in, say, Ocarina of Time. They seemed more accessory than objective, as the main objective was just some nebulous thing of your own making. This might just be because I’m getting older and my decades of gaming had helped me…