
The situation is a tough one. For folks like me who have been invested since D1 and never stepped away, the game is close to or even at the best it’s ever been. Other franchises just release an entirely new game every year or two. Think about the Assassin’s Creed franchise. If you jumped in at the 4th or 5th title,

LOL. I have always played a Warlock as well. I do have a Hunter, and have actually played it more in D2 than I ever did in D1. That said....I’ve seriously considered using my Spark of Light to roll up a Titan, if for no other reason than to have the 3rd character when I need it for specific things. But I think I fear

I paid $80 (yes, I preordered the LOD edition because I have faith in BioWare and the goodwill they’ve established over the years) and I’m going to get at least 30-40 hours of play out of just the campaign and the initial end game stuff I’ll try out. Even if I don’t buy into the constant grind, or I only come back

Ugh...I understand that it needs to be profitable. But I HATE it when the corporate suits try to dictate the art. Destiny is in a great place right now. I’ve had more fun the last 4-5 months than I’ve had in a long time. I would love to see more people come back, but Activision needs to keep themselves in check on

I haven’t been following this closely, so my apologies for the delay.

All of the freak out for this is silly.

You guys are lamenting about Han’s character growth, and how they tried to make him out as this guy with a heart of gold...i think you’re more missing the whole point of Han’s character.

I’m only at 350 light, and still have a blast playing with randoms in Escalation. I haven’t tried even a 3 man fireteam for it yet. Actually, yesterday I got matched with some other players of clearly higher levels. And finally made it to level 2 of the protocol. I hadn’t even realized until that point that the 4

Eh...really? Granted, I’m a more casual Destiny player, but I never found that one to be that awful. Sure, it’s a little tougher than some of the others, but if they nerf this one, something else will be annoying instead. I actually thought the different boss fight was refreshing.

I interpreted it as though the alternate dimension they found themselves within was trying to kill them, as it recognized that they weren’t supposed to be there. A little contrived, but then, not EVERYTHING needs to be explained in a movie.

Wholeheartedly agree. It was not a cinema sensation, but certainly not worth of the lackluster reviews. I actually thought it did a great job of “explaining” some things, but not really explaining them. It opened up more doors of possibility. Which, I suppose some people will call plot holes, but I prefer a good movie

And yes, I know, everyone wants it to come to Switch. It’d be perfect there. I know.

For a simple game like this, where the graphics are not going to “make or break” the game, I would MUCH rather them keep it simple, and sell the game for a great low price, then jack up the price to $20 or $30, just to slap on a shinier exterior.

No worries! Had to wipe my eyes a number of times while watching the feed! It was glorious!

Look, if they offer the content through standard TV, as well as the Streaming service, I won’t be as PO’d. As it stands though, I’m already irked at how Disney does stuff. For instance, I can’t watch Rebels unless I pay for the Disney XD channel, which just HAPPENS to be not in any of the standard cable packages.

As long as they do something inventive with it, and not just a “oh no, Jumanji is in trouble, we have to go back into the game to save it!” Could be very easily a contrived story. As others have commented, it would be much better if it’s an all new ‘cast’ for the kids involved, forcing the 4 main characters to act out

Astute observations! I haven’t played MH:W yet myself, but its sounding more and more like I would enjoy it.

110% excited for this, but I gotta say that thing I liked most about that trailer....the music! I like the way they reimagined the original theme! The soundtrack from MI2 is still one of my all time favorite soundtracks. This is definitely an opening weekend film for me. Which reminds me....need to rewatch the last

I haven’t played NEARLY as much Crucible in D2 as I did in D1, and maybe that’s partly to do with these changes. But feel free to take my thoughts here with that in mind.

The Wii didn’t have the 3rd party friendly base chip design that the Switch has. That’s been one of the primary things developers have been praising about the Switch. How much easier it is to program for compared to other Nintendo consoles.