Came here at first to write “Please suck...please suck...please suck....’cause otherwise I won’t be able to resist buying a PS4 VR rig”.
Came here at first to write “Please suck...please suck...please suck....’cause otherwise I won’t be able to resist buying a PS4 VR rig”.
My only issue with it is that these turn-based RPG style games, with the old NES/SNES graphics level, is not even as good as what a lot of companies are doing in the Mobile market these days. The visuals for Octopath look amazing, and I’m glad it isn’t fully 8-bit. But I’m struggling to understand what the business…
Same!! I swear I’ve heard it as ‘Eenix’ my whole life (and I’ve been playing their games since FF1 days). Doubt that hearing it this way will change my habits though.
Yes!!! I love the idea of the Sting Ray, but consistently felt like I was stupidly lucky if I managed even 1 kill with it. Felt very luck-based and no amount of skill was helping me do any better with it. Glad to see it get some love. :)
Obviously, cross-platform PVP is a problem given the different frame rates, etc. But I had high hopes (maybe pipe dreams) that they would at least allow PVE cross play between Xbox1 and PC, given the way Microsoft has pushed for so much “Games for Windows” type stuff the last couple years. Will definitely be bummed if…
UGH! Want it for Switch, along with the Collection, all for us non-Japanese folks. Still one of my favorite game series of all time.
When I saw the first post about this on reddit, I assumed someone had just mis-typed it and was supposed to be “Manta MariNa” a marina would make sense for a location. But usual, the Splatoon developers pun game is stronger than give them credit for. I love it. :D
I would be ecstatic if they brought FFXV to the Switch. Even if it’s visually downgraded a small bit. I have an Xbox One S, but I just haven’t had time to play FFXV, so I haven’t bought it yet. But our Switch gets a TON of attention lately, and it would definitely be a sure-fire buy for me if it came to that console.…
So much for “violence is not the answer”. I’m 100% for lawfully stopping the Nazi’s. But arguing self-defense when none of those Antifa people had any reason to be in that area in the first place is going to hold no water whatsoever in a court room. Those people came expecting a fight. If the Nazi folks threw the…
Equating WWII with Charlottesville is laughable and blindly ignoring important details of the situation. The United States had LEGALLY gone to war. So the men/women fighting against the Nazi’s in WWII had the full backing of the United States to be there.
And why wouldn’t he be upset? He was there to talk about a COMPLETELY different topic, but as usual, the media refused to allow him to do that. I think a bit of frustration toward the press should be expected at that point.
If the graphics of the game are the ONLY reason it is the ‘bleeding edge’ of AAA gaming, then sure...the Switch will miss out. But luckily, 99% of games are about the GAMEPLAY not the graphics. I’m perfectly content to play slightly less graphically impressive games if it means I get actual great gameplay and story…
I’d be interested to know how many of these bent consoles have seen what I would refer to as extremely extended play sessions. In other words, the Switch seems to be designed around about a 3 hour play session (in handheld). If this is happening primarily to consoles with lots of docked playtime, were a lot of those…
I find that the need to aim in the vertical direction is actually pretty rare in Splatoon. There’s only a couple of levels where a sniper will get above you frequently, causing you to need to aim way up. Generally though, with the sensitivity set high enough, I can aim up and down without any issues.
Maybe it’s just because our WiFi base is less than 5 feet away from the Switch. Maybe we have great internet speed or something? I dunno. I think we’ve had maybe 1 time where that error message popped up on us. We’ve had 2-3 issues where we’re trying to join the lobby to start with and we got the ‘could not connect to…
The hardware shortage isn’t something Nintendo can just “do something” about. It’s been well documented at this point that there are shortages farther up the manufacturing chain, making it difficult for Nintendo to make any more consoles than they current are. They already upped their production from their original…
Same! I saw it last night, but didn’t click until just now that it would be the same person. Very cool. I’d rather spend my time actually playing the game, but I do love the fact that the game offers this for people who want it. :)
I’ve been playing almost exclusive in hand-held mode, and a ton of that time was online. Have had no issues. Now granted, I’m sitting in the same room as my Router, but we’ve had two Switches connected at once, and only had 1 disconnect happen in probably close to a 100 games now.
Absolutely download the app! The gear offerings alone are worth it, as I’ve seen far more 3- and 4-slot gear on the app, than I have in the actual in-game stores.
I didn’t think it was that tough at all. Seemed pretty aparent right away that the spinning parts would kill you. I saw a pocket I could drop into and went down there to look around. As soon as I faced the turbines, my reticle went from white to red. Blew it up, move to the next pocket.