I mean, John Lennon was by all accounts a huge asshole too.
Great tactic actually. If history has told us anything about Kobe, it's that first comes the assault, then comes the ring.
Your move, Josh Smith.
You may not accuse me of racism, sexism, blah blah-ish without asking me for my point of view first. I may or may not choose to give it to you.
There already is a "college football NIT". It's called "all the bowl games".
Consent has to be given: it isn't assumed that you can have sex with somebody until they withdraw consent.
The NBA sucks because he traveled? GTFOH.
Then why isn't the entire pizza the crust?
Chicago pizza is a casserole
Keep in mind that Drew takes the crusts off his pizza slices. So, don't trust him on anything pizza.
all physical evidence supports that Brown was the aggressor.
Oh sure, but when RGIII leaves the game in the first quarter it's perfectly fine.
INTERVIEWER: Michael, you've really taken a shining to golf in retirement. Would I be correct in assuming that we'll be seeing you a lot out on the golf course?
The comments for this article are a thing of beauty. I'm making it rain blue stars.
Duke also has a MRSA problem
Nothing in the Matrix is real
I see your video and I raise you this: