
WristRef ScoreKeeper is an awesome free score keeper that works for any sport! The timer counts up or down, and everything else is customizable!

If this new idea goes through I will have to remember to charge one more thing AND have people thinking I’m ignoring them instead of not talking to me because of a bright white cord hanging out of my ears. Don’t get me wrong BT is nice but they will be more expensive for sure.

I think this is going to be a great gift come holiday time for parents or college students. $150 starting price with so much relevant functionality I’m thinking about getting my mom one since she doesn’t own anything Apple. May get one for myself one day when I stop streaming from the good ole’ ps3

Sounds like a scarier version of stepping on a crab or stingray. It happens from time to time... but stepping on a fucking sea snake doesn’t sound like anything I want to do in my lifetime. Yeah I’ll pass if this legitimately becomes apart of the beach going experience

This reminds me of the apocalypse cult in Parks & Recs

I’m an iOS/watchOS developer so call me biased. Sure jailbreaking allows you to swag your iPhone out with new tricks and tools. Yes, I remember what it’s like to be in high school and finding paid android apps for free or jailbreaking my friends iPod touches for $20. Honestly it’s not worth the risk. It’s like taking

What better way to populate more of them out there then giving the most popular smartphone a way to use them.

It kinda is.. you can make a snapchat and it will be completely seperate from other social networks etc etc. Snapchat is for nudes all that other crap is extra

I usually cook my eggs in a couple drips of bacon grease if I cook bacon in a pan, it taste so much better! Yeah yeah I know cholesterol but I was raised in a southern state plus I don't eat bacon and eggs every day

Everyone who knows nothing about keppler syndrome always goes "but space is big bro" no you fucking idiots something 1 inch big hits the wrong thing and its basically a bullet. The ISS has had problems in the past with small stuff hitting the station and the chinese have seriously made space dirty. My point is sure we

Took your advice and cancelled/got a refund today, how lucky was I! Today is just within the 30 return period if I hadn't seen your comment I would have waited until tomorrow and lost my $40 forever!

"People born before 1990 vs the kids who come after." Hey! Born 1994 but I grew up watching all of the original star wars over and over! Read all the Harry Potter books in elementary school except the last one but us 90's kids are the coolest... now if only you guys could see emoji

I ordered my portable router from them March 11th after reading up all the Gizmodo reviews and since it was on sale... the one I ordered was back ordered so after 3 weeks of waiting (they didn't email me or anything of course so by that time I was just a pissed off customer like "Wheres my shit!?") I Called and about

It's stuff like this that makes me question xbox fans! XBone and PS4 are both overpowered versions of the previous generation but Sony is actually innovating or perfecting new and old tech while microsoft is still pushing a more expensive, bigger, and SLIGHTLY weaker console as the new home entertainment/cable box.

Between my 21gb of free google drive space I've built up and the 1TB external drive I from amazon last week I should be ok I pray. My 3 year old laptop has survived many falls, tumbles, screen breaks, and restores.. only a matter of time before the HD goes and I have too many pictures, graphic designs, videos, and

I wish stuff like this was free and required no programming knowledge, similar to building logic in Littlebigplanet 2! I also wish my laptop could even run graphics like that :(

If he still has an internet connection then that means he still sneaks and watches porn every now and three times a day. If you were really on mars imagine waiting 20 minutes for pornhub to load.. for just the sound.

That subliminal advertising worked on me... I was about to buy a plane ticket to Canada but I looked up an amtrak ticket and its more direct and half the price. I think im riding the choo choo next month guys

I wonder how much these would cost to make at home?