
What if they made an ejectable cabin but for the entire passenger area like it explodes out of the frame and 6-8 parachutes deploy (or how ever many need to stop something so big) communications and supplies could be built into the bottom as well as inflatables that fill up as the cabin falls in case they need to make

I say we start a photoshop contest of a better Ground Zeroes PS4 right here!

I feel like this one hell of a stretch for a prediction, who's to say our cars won't be talking to each other or driving themselves in 20 years. And what if the roads are made of manure because some scientest finds it way safer blah blah blah. I cant buy something this bold when there is always room for improvement

hahah I've never seen this one before but I'll join the movement :^D

Yeah but if they didn't apply this parachute initially there is no way they could waste millions to launch again and dock with a meteor to strap on a parachute to something pretty untested that could fall apart or burn up during reentry. While it's not ultra realistic yet (still in beta I think) kerbal space program

Plot Twist: Somebody says no and we get to watch the world's first 1st person view marriage denial.. try saying those last six words five times fast.

Almost asked a dumb question, "why would they put it in lunar orbit?" Then I thought about a giant meteor deorbiting over the earth and the millions of people so worried about getting a pic for instagram that they stick around for the impact..

This game has the best visuals I've seen since the next gen launched. Is this real time!?!

Not to sound like a conspiricist (spelled that wrong fuck you too) after some research of my own this week for a paper I feel like we already made contact and the government is seriously hiding it from us but may release info rather soon. There is A LOT of information/sightings from Governors, Commercial and Military

Cool idea but a little gimmicky :/ seems like something that would be "fun" that first time you get it in the mail then end up at a yard sale a couple months down the line because you realized nobody understands smoke signals and making them in the airport doesn't ease the TSA's paranoia

I kinda like these guys

I like the look of these gus

Yes but not every Joe is going to have this firm grasp of aerodynamics and chemistry. Similar to how anyone with access to youtube, (huge percentage of America I assume) could build a computer but most would rather go to bestbuy. If I heard there is a space cannon for X amount of dollars, me and my drunken average Joe

Makes perfect sense, still I wish they could find a better workaround ex: static tweets. They could (annoyingly) show up with more than one refresh of your timeline. They already have promoted trends and every media source in the U.S using their service and promoting viewers to follow them so I doubt the ad pay could

While I fully agree with you, I think it's more of the international effects of Apple products (yes all smartphones are international but only Apple has their OWN app market) So im guessing they see any offensive conflicts caused by a product (app) on their market could be used to target them and the way they operate

I will be honest I didn't like iOS7 at first glance but it grew on me and now when my ex sends me snapshots of her iMessage (for whatever reason she refuses to upgrade from iOS5) it looks so old and ugly compared to the new. However they mostly upgraded the functionality and visual appeal. The layout for iOS has not

Hahaha I know the feeling! *grabs a doubleshot glass*

I'll be honest didn't read that whole article... but it looks fun! I was thinking more of a I Am Legend survival or maybe just paintball in an abandoned city with some physical object(s) and food as the objective... don't ask me how safety would work out because there will always be that guy that takes it too real and

If it aint broke don't fix it! This kills exactly what I like about twitter. A simple straight forward feed, old at the bottom new at the top. This design just looks like a jumbled mess. I don't want to look left and right and have some things bigger than others! Why do these social networks always work on changing

While this is an awesome idea I fear things like this wouldn't help the already almost out of control kessler syndrome. If any joe could send small objects into space imagine the amount of junk that would build up and the eventual "we must go farther" design that claims to launch stuff even farther. Before you asshats