There’s a strong intersection between the type of dude who wants a brown turbo diesel manual wagon, and the type of dude who would fly 5000 miles on a whim to see a woman he’s only texted.
There’s a strong intersection between the type of dude who wants a brown turbo diesel manual wagon, and the type of dude who would fly 5000 miles on a whim to see a woman he’s only texted.
Never forget Kwanzaa Cake.
He’s already demanded a trade to the Pirates.
In your opinion, someone fires a gun into a crowd and just happens to miss. How should that be handled?
Sorry guys, I want to READ your thoughts on cars silently at my desk, not listen to them in some shitty video clip.
Ordinarily I would never advocate striking a child yet here we are.
I’m new to hockey and not from Pittsburgh, so you can count that for or against me as you like.
I wouldn’t even say arguably, I say he is. There are others that have sniffed around the crown but no one in the “new era” has been as good as he has for this long.
“Few people seem to care about our sport. What’s the move here?”
Jeremy Roenick at intermission, “I hate to speculate... but I’m gonna say its definitely a lower leg injury.”
People are fucking weird. This was HILARIOUS. And all the more so by how many complete cringe worthy moments there were, of all these media people being entirely unable to laugh at them selves. Did you guys see Blitzer’s face?? If eyes could kill, Larry would be dead. Dead, I tell ya.
Counterpoint: Yes, I will.
This is the worst.
While I’m not disagreeing with your main point, SF’s history does include greedy Gold Rushers ignoring the Treaty of Hildago and kicking the ( wealthy) Mexican landowners out, a handful of developers throwing up cheap construction, for all the “new money” arrivals flooding to town, in the form of the now beloved…
The two teams have played each other 281 times now, we’re probably past the “familiarity breeds contempt” rivalary phase and now into the “is this all there is in this miserable rectangular state” existential dread phase
Are we ruling out the possibility that he’s secretly sworn to the Dallas Cowboys, though?
You’re giving a racist billionaire your hard earned money to go sit in the cold watch a bunch of dudes give each other CTE. “I am guessing people like me are the “morons” they are trying to fool.”. You said it brother
When was this leaked, in 1987 ?
So...old lady does mean thing to you, but you’re obviously fine since you can still ride. But instead of just riding away, you do mean thing back and destroy her property..
If that kid ever googles....