
No, you have the right to complain. Absolutely. I served in the military for 6 years to protect that right, and even if I hadn’t, I would still agree with your right.

I’ve got a better answer. For all you fuckwads that could have voted against both of the worst choices we’ve had to deal with for over a decade, Fuck You. You could have voted Gary Johnson, and this would have been a completely different day.

so what’s our latest on this? I’ve been purchasing a piece of AllClad here and there to replace our existing cookware, but if I can save some and still get the same quality, and Made in US, I’d be more than happy to....

so what’s our latest on this? I’ve been purchasing a piece of AllClad here and there to replace our existing

Still can’t seem to find the “Ignore Idiot” selector on his profile.... So, the take from this post, is that someone asked his employees to try to be Better People during a time when it can be very hard to, and Gawker likes to tear it down.... nice.

When I started, they were migrating most machines from 4 to 5, and one (I think) still had 3 on it. They were all excited about being able to do multiple undos.... I was stuck on one of the last ones to be converted, but they took so long, they got me 5.5 :) I don’t remember anything special about it, but I just

Oi... I remember being tickled about multiple undos...and when they introduced History....*sigh* that’s been a year or two, I guess :)

anytime you’re doing anything in Photoshop without doing it layers...

The part of this that aggravates me more than anything but the act itself, is the part of the released statement “Firing this officer was the right thing to do.” Seriously? Was there anyone even freaking questioning that???!

Did we really need a study to determine this? Anyone who’s actually ever seen coffee brew knows that the darkest stuff comes out almost at the first, and goes to thinner, lighter, coffee at the end....

They have several other.... unique.... colorings, but most are more expensive by at least a few dollars. The only exception is this *shudder* “Ziggy” color for $10.99....

They have several other.... unique.... colorings, but most are more expensive by at least a few dollars. The only

Reason 936 to stick with the Windows world... damn scale won’t stay balanced tho....

I’d like my last two minutes back, please.


Ooops, looks like they took down “The Witches” heheh

Doesn’t appear to have a link....

The article isn’t written about NMAP, it’s about using Nessus. And, his second link ( run a vulnerability scan,) actually does reference using nmap.

If you are worried that this policy will affect your Counter-Strike experience, my advice is to not be a dick.” Good plan. Of course, they won’t pay attention... but I like it :)

My father owned a fleet of Datsuns. Like, at the time of the only ticket I know he received, 9 of them. He was driving one of them (a little 1.5 2-door, the “Green Car” in the family), on the river road in North Carolina, outside Murphy. It had been raining, but wasn’t at the time. He was enjoying the ride until he

A bit late to the show, so I’m going to creep quietly in here. Many years ago, I owned a small blue Saturn. Automatic, little 4, sunroof. Cute little thing. Had to go out to the local movie store to swap movies late one evening, which was less than 10 miles away, but out in the country, so a solid 10 minutes.