
That would have been my first guess heheh

Might want to clarify this is for Android. Can’t seem to find the settings on the PC side version 54, and he does state : “ That’s one of the more visible changes in the latest version of Chrome for Android, “

I remember Gnomeregan as a long, winding dungeon which definitely needed more things done in it :) Glad at least to see they’ve added something :)

Ah, I’m just pleased that I don’t have to worry about voting against him any longer. He’s buried himself so deep, there’s no way he’ll see daylight on the 8th. Going to toss my vote at Gary :)

Bah. I want a phone with the ability to stick an SD card in it, preferably up to 256, but I’ll tolerate a 64Gb. I want a phone I can root, so I can control what an app can access (Waze doesn’t need my bluetooth info, WUnderground does not need to see my pics, etc). And I would like a removable battery, but that’s

Droid here, myself, but I have a few clients on iPhones, and unanimous annoyance at the new way the email client works.

I made my first batch of Slow Cooker Apple Butter last weekend, and was very impressed. Next batch will take about half that much sugar, I think, and I’ll keep backing down until I get to something not nearly so sweet, but I’ve always loved apple butter, and the ability to make my own pleases the hell outta me :)

Soft science, but gotta agree. Few things make me feel better than doing something nice for someone else, whether it be literal charity, or simply helping someone jump their car off in a parking lot.

I can’t stand bullies, and this was nothing more than that; two guys with an entitlement complex get out of their car to flex their muscles, and push someone around. There is no good way to deal with bullies, but I’ve found that the simplest way (for me) is to show them I’m not an easy target.

I give credit to the poster: I’d have been sorely tempted to step out of the car with my lawful concealed showing and just say “Get back in the car, boys. Noone wants to get hurt here. You’re behaving in a threatening manner, I have family in the car, I’m outnumbered, I will defend. Climb in, use your signal, and move

I always thought this.... there are some high-rated movies that I just don’t enjoy, and they’re always rated pretty low on my Netflix: likewise, I have some “niche” movies that I love, and Netflix usually rates similar movies higher.

mmm.. makes sense. There’ve been several ... “issues” the last few years that have made things interesting around the house. Doesn’t surprise me I’d be looking for some method of regaining control....

heheheh *smack* .....

It’s something I’ve found myself doing, looking around mentally at some of my purchases, thinking “I meant to do this with that”, but never got “around to it”... Always just kind of mentally glossed it over, but I realize there are so many times I’ve done this. I definitely need to keep it to the front of my

gods, I fall into this trap time after time... I need to be more mindful of it...

I can’t stand either of the current candidates.

Then I appreciate your service. I served in Shield and Storm. And I find myself disappointed that a service member believes that, no matter how bad the Witch is, this draft-dodging, tax “avoiding”, racist, bigotted, misogynistic, bully, could possibly be better. She sets a damn low bar. But he’s been crawling under it

Oh I listened to it. And your apologist statement of “essentially said” is the same crap his team has been doing for months now, trying to cover and smooth over because the man is a BULLY. What he said was that the people in the audience were strong and could “handle it”, but a lot of other people couldn’t “handle

No. Just as in the frontier days, a 14 year old living in the rougher areas of our country has easily learned the difference between right and wrong. He’s a young man, and as such, should know (whether or not he did these things, he should know them) that he should not be carrying a pistol, nor should he be firing one

writing was poor.... “And then he... And then he..... And then he.... And then he....” use a thesaurus, for gods’ sake....