I couldn’t see it happen.... Our “special relationship” with Britain is too strong for that to ever occur...
I couldn’t see it happen.... Our “special relationship” with Britain is too strong for that to ever occur...
Glass is also non-conductive unless you superheat it. I’d be hooking up some voltage to that bitch, and see what fries. Pop the hood, jumper cables, and “tap-tap” across the circuit board....
We so need to finish the Black Mirror episodes this weekend... but we’ve found we can’t handle more than two a night, usually only one...
I bought this set earlier this year, unfortunately not at this price. I was not impressed with the seals on the containers. Any period of time upside down or sideways, and leftovers with liquid in them tend to leak. They work great for stacking in the fridge, and the ability to grab one lid for each of the three…
I bought this set earlier this year, unfortunately not at this price. I was not impressed with the seals on the…
My immediate controls are 2 large maples, a huge elm, and medium dogwood.there are several assorted “trees” along my back and side fence, mixed with pines. The elm carpets the back yard, and the two maples the front. So far, I’ve not had any issues killing off the grass, but then we’ve not had to deal with drought…
Or, you just simply let them lie where they are in the yard, naturally decomposing into the yard “mulch”, and restoring nutrients all on their little lonesome....
“no, that neighbor was passive aggressive. i’m just aggressive”
I gotta throw MouseGuard in here for a superior Storytelling RPG. I was able to join a game several years ago at a con, and had an absolute blast.
Have any of the religious wings forwarded the thought that The Dunce might actually be the AntiChrist? Claims to be Christian, but so obviously isn’t, but is so obviously supported by the religious?
I’m afraid I wouldn’t have stopped to ask... maybe asked afterwards....
I’m sorry to correct you, but I’m relatively sure what those “some” said, was “that if kids can’t speak English good, they should be kicked out”.
I find myself disgusted with my situation here. I find The Dunce repugnant on so many levels, and there was no way I was voting for that bully. But on illegal immigration, I stand in the same ball park as he. I’m over on first base, and he’s in left field, but we’re both here.
I’m good with that.
Thanks for the reply :)
Thanks for the reply :)
“For what it’s worth, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has already expressed his disapproval of a few of Trump’s plans, including term limits, saying “It will not be on the agenda in the Senate...I would say we have term limits now — they’re called elections.”” ...
Yup. You’re that person:
No, I’m simply agreeing with what so many here have said. If you didn’t actually do any of the multitude of things within your power to participate in this fiasco, you really have no grounds to complain about it.