Liam Kinkaid

Oh sure, if you want your tomatoes to taste fast-food-level terrible by deactivating the flavor compounds that get shut off at 12 degrees C or below...the Washington Post did an article about it.

Mind you, if you have a garden full of tomatoes and the neighbors have threatened to salt your yard so that nothing may ever

I absolutely will not! Not because I think ‘purse’ is inappropriate because of some gender association... but because they aren’t purses. They are hand bags.

Isn’t calling it a purse gendering it as much as calling it a man-bag? Just call them all bags (the gender neutral term) and be done with it.

I’ll consider two-weeks notice for resignation a necessity when society considers the same notice for termination.

Hahaha back when people had manners was when husbands would beat their wives and children. Where only men went to work and when women stayed home to take care of the house and children. It’s amazing how we can evolve to have equality with the opposite sex until “chivalry” and “manners” come in to question. eff that

Well all due respect how are we ever going to be “equal” if people like you keep insisting we treat people differently?

This! ‘Manspreader’ is such bullshit. How about we just limit it to fucking ‘Speaders’ in general.

It’s 2017, women are capable of standing.

What about womanspreaders? I see many more women who think their purses requires its own seat than men sitting with their legs splayed. Yesterday I saw a woman take up an entire table that’s big enough for 8 people with her crap.

First, the man in the picture is in a car full of empty seats. Who cares how he sits?

If you’re in a crowded car, stand up! That’s what men were expected to do back before manners became politically incorrect. As a practical matter, it’s far more comfortable to stand than to sit squashed.

Well all due respect how are we ever going to be “equal” if people like you keep insisting we treat people differently? I’ve had injuries before and NO one offered me their seats. Men work harder than women and “children” we deserve to take a load of our feet after a hard days work. Besides, all we get for trying to

I’m disappointed Shookus isn’t her first name.

It’s kind of like the freaky sex acts on Urban Dictionary: The first time someone told the story, it was probably fake, but copycats have probably tried it in real life.

Do you mean g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-ghosts?!?!?!?

Like, I just watched Sarah Huckabee Sanders talk and let me tell you, if that was poetry, it was some pretty fucked up high school English class poetry.

Trump is the gift that never stops giving.

That would be exactly the definition of *not* international lol!

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

Oh Stacey.