But is he racist while on it?
But is he racist while on it?
It’s fascinating (and revolting) how they’ve managed to co-opt the language of feminism in order to advance misogyny. What makes this even more tragic is that men really do have legitimate complaints about the narrow ways in which masculinity is constructed, it’s just that those complaints should be “my worth as a…
Why should he have to pay for any of that because the idiots who run this town can’t either (a) recognize obvious satire and (b) are unable to appropriately prioritize and allocate public resources?
Mama Merrifield:
I just read on Facebook that they have a Covid-19 vaccine ready but they aren’t releasing it until they can make it cause autism in children.
Fun fact: when you sow a shit sandwich, it fertilizes itself!
You fought for your ‘right’ to be utterly dependent on coal for jobs and income. The rest of America tried to tell you it was a stupid-ass decision. But, no, you insisted you knew better. Experts said you were wrong, but no, no, no, this was the way to go.
Instead of praying, maybe he should vote for a POTUS/Senator that better serves his concerns and interest.
Trump loves the coal miners. That’s all that matters.
They work hard for hourly pay below the minimum wage
Should you really be commenting here? Aren’t there more pressing national and worldly concerns?
seems a little extreme of a preemptive response to a comment that hasn’t happened yet.
Gargantuan..... I so rarely have an opportunity to use it in a sentence. LOL
I love magic eraser but oooh they are so abrasive and should not be used on: stainless steel, stone (especially granite and marble), anything delicate (cars, finished wood, anything varnished or coated)... and always test a spot first.
.......uuurgh, don’t remind me how they ended her character in the show...
Lol, while the Dems approach isn’t perfect, at least it’s moving forward and not fucking backwards.
Wow, this is terrible news! I sure wish that we could vote for politicians who would actually do something to fix it but the Democrats like brown people, so what choice do we have?
Glory to you...
yes.. you got me.. im the guy who wants to start a war with russia
Alright, what else you got that you’d like me to debunk for you?