Liam Kinkaid

You are definitely on to something with that. To build, most drag queens/female impersonators take their art very seriously and rarely use it as a derisive insult to the object of their impersonation. The simple reason for that is if they make their subject look bad, THEY look bad. So, while Tammy Faye might have

This is nice. One improvement would be if they had the cable coming out of a corner (with a little give so it’d be adjustable) so you could either get one more outlet or a mounting side so using the bracket wouldn’t eat up an outlet.

“That disbelievers exist, though bizarre, isn’t at all surprising.”

Those mushrooms are crowded all to hell.

I think you’re right that it’s impossible to truly compare apples to apples (i.e. Red Delicious to Red Delicious), but with the crazy amounts of data we can collect and the methods that statisticians can use that I won’t even pretend to understand, it might be possible to compare Fuji to Gala, which is probably better

I’m almost afraid to ask what part of the body is being cleaned with the dish scrubber on the “her’s” caddy.

Well, seeing as IKEA is an initialism for Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd, it should probably be pronounced AYE-KAY-EE-EY, unless you’re also saying ris-vip for RSVP.

There’s no basement in the Alamo!

I never said it was a woman’s fault that she gets paid any amount, I said that it might be crappy business practices that favor people who are more risk seeking with jumping job to job, and I never said anything about negotiations. So please don’t put words in my mouth or mischaracterize what I wrote.

I’m not disagreeing with you that significant increases in salary are made when you change companies, but could that be the cause of the wage gap, rather than the effect of it? For example, if a woman is more risk averse (I know I’m generalizing here, and not all women are risk averse, just like all men are not risk

Studying outliers does have merit, though. If, overall, a woman is paid at 79% of a man’s rate, we should look at what is making up that amount, including outliers. So if (I’m just making up examples here) we look at an industry and see that men make 10% more than women, we need to dig in and see what roles men/women

But that is how it works. That’s actually exactly how it works. The longer you’re with a place (usually), the more pay you get. And the longer you’re employed with the same employer, the more vacation you get. Your current tenure is a good indicator of your future tenure and most companies pay on that.

You’re very welcome. My mistake was to entertain your attempts at derailing a serious topic that affects every single one of us. I’m really am sorry that your own feelings are more important to you than discussing how poorly people are treated in a systematic way in our country. It’s this selfishness that has gotten

I’m very sorry that you feel like you’re victimized by people disagreeing with you. If, however, you can’t explain how it’s racist not to pick a POC when they don’t have the required knowledge to complete a project, I’ll thank you to keep your microagressions to yourself. My thoughts are just as valid as yours and by

I very much disagree with you. There must be intent behind the words/actions to be racist.

I was going to respond to kshortie16’s response to you, but she isn’t interested in hearing anyone else’s viewpoint, so I’ll respond to you instead.

Turd :) is 72/100 polite, and Shitbird :) is also 72/100 polite. I know which one I’ll be using today!

Honestly, I think the intra-personal relationships equality is a red herring. Yes, there are absolutely unequal/abusive relationships out there and I’m not denying that in the slightest. But for functional relationships, each partner gets/gives something from/to the relationship. If they’re not getting their needs

If a woman only make 75-80% of what a man makes for doing the same job, why don’t all companies fire men and hire women to do the same job? They’d save 20-25% of labor costs right off the top.

I’m pretty certain that the seller, not the buyer is responsible for remitting all sales taxes (and affirming that the sales taxes remitted are full and correct). To the buyer, it’s simply the seller discounting the sales price item. The seller still owes the sales tax (on the discounted sales price) to the state.