Liam Kinkaid

Sorry, but nothing on that page lists English as an official language. For example, Canada passed a law in 1969 (later amended) that gives English and French official status in Canada. There is no such declaration made in the US. As others note, it is the most commonly spoken language, but official duties at the

The information is interesting, but right off the bat, the United States does not have English or any other language as an official language.

Oh, Ann, you beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk ox.

To that point, gilgongo is slightly incorrect. EC 261/2004 applies to all flights departing the EU. This includes domestic (American) carriers flying you to the US. But for pure domestic flights, the CoC is the governing body unless FAA/DOT regs supersede.

Be aware that sometimes large groups choose a bright color to identify themselves at theme parks. For example, there will be a great number of people wearing red during the first weekend in June at Disney World, so plan accordingly.

And then, if they say "We don't have a recycling program here," then you simply say "Oh," while looking a little judgmental. Then they'll realize that THEY'RE the ones that just blew the interview and will be falling all over themselves to offer you the position. Which you will have to decline because, according to


TuboTax is running a promotion with Amazon this year. Buy from Amazon and have some of your refund given on an Amazon gift card and get an additional 10%. I'd think 10% bonus is a lot better than any sort of interest you could have earned. Yes, it would be better to pay down interest bearing debt during the year

I am gay, and I understand your confusion, so allow me to explain the way I see it. Note that everyone is different, so what's true for me might not be true for everyone.

This works until some dumb bunny doesn't realize that you're supposed to rotate the cups and scribbles through the arrow and draws another one to a different time.

Unfortunately, there's no way to move miles from US to UA. At the moment, you're still able to book US awards through UA because they're still in Star Alliance. Once US moves to Oneworld with their AA merger, that will no longer be possible.

No, the point is that reducing a population to a single characteristic, like Sherpa for guiding or Asian for being smart is just as damaging/racist as calling Jews cheap or Mexicans lazy. It doesn't matter if it's something "cool" or derogatory, it's still wrong. It still perpetuates a stereotype. The "positive"

Ahh, I understand. So "British Dentist Finder" would be okay, or "Canadian Apologizing App", or "Nigerian iScam".

So, according to that definition, an app called "JewPons" that finds great coupons or deals wouldn't be racist, right?

Is your name Stella, Roxanne, or Jenny? I feel so bad for ladies with those names who have to wear nametags.

No, no. Mista Supaman no here.

Downside of this is it's called "Fagor." Can you just imagine the taunts this little microwave will get on the playground?

Not quite. There was a censored word under that blank. That's what makes CAH so great. They email you things you can't print on Giz. :)

Hmm. Why is there such a big blank after "Holiday" in the Cards Against Humanity email? Anyway, you should totes buy that 30 card expansion to CAH and pay at least the $5 asking price. It's a hilarious game.

Yes, I store all of my cheese in my smeg.