
I look forward to the Heavy Metal Violence Level. That sounds totally fucking metal.

Sonic Generations and Sonic Colors would like a word with you.

Sonic Generations and Sonic Colors would like a word with you.

ShhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHH, don't jinx it

Exactly, I felt the same way as you did at first but after I read it (and only because my brother had the first few issues) I decided to give it a chance.

I know what you mean.

Well, here's the way they justified it:

There is NEVER anything noted as a permanent change in comics. Trust me, it'll slip back to the status quo within a year or so and I'll stop reading after that. For now, it's fairly engaging because it's a fresh take on an old character.

It's actually a very interesting take on the character.

I didn't like that issue. It was basically a retread of "I killed Peter Parker and now own his body! Ha ha!" except with less oomph now that it was the second go around.

For his high tech gadgets I presume.

I wouldn't call him evil, but he's not good either. I'd saw lawful neutral, if you wanted to get down to the nitty gritty of the character. He possesses Doc Ock's ruthlessness but Peter Parker's moral code as tugged his character into the lighter grey area than he would normally be.

In fact, the stakes are practically non-existent.


What in the God damn...?

I agree with the second point.

The Steam service lives and dies by how long Valve supports the server. All MS had to do was tweak the 24 hour check and it would have been Steam on the Xbox.

Mitsuru or Yukari, the eternal question.


I always have to laugh at the AC fallout for this.

Tell me that when you have to buy Gracie's furniture. *shudder*