Now that Wolverine's been fired from the X-Men, there's no real reason to keep his stupid fireworks-making,…
Sure, you could look at your in-game Pokedex to figure out what's located where...but not only do you have to…
In case anyone was under any mistaken illusion that feminists weren't advocating censorship, just read this article.
The girl is X-23. The other one is Jason Schreier.
I can personally agree that generally seeing massive titty girls with tiny waists is laughably easy to dismiss as realistic (and that's exactly how I feel toward the art in Dragon's Crown), but fortunately that comes from being raised with a strong mindset to be myself and love myself, body and mind. Not everyone is…
I didn't skip over a problem. I didn't see one, personally, and I addressed the concerns of those who did. This is a fantasy setting, where village girls have been getting kidnapped for decades, and warriors, both women and men, fall to evil forces and need your help.
- *Offers Chrono Trigger*
After all, we can't all be forced to impregnate a psychic ghost all at once, right?
I'm sorry if you took my comment seriously. It was a joke actually, aimed at people who are about to say that comment.
The next Xbox is called Xbox One. It'll be out later this year. It won't be always-online, but it will restrict used…
At worst this robs these (fake) women of their dignity.
The designs have to appeal to the lowest common denominator in order to conserve space. The males have traits that appeal to both the male power fantasy and the female eye-candy. The same applies for the females, they appeal to both the female power fantasy and male eye-candy.
I'm not a valiant defender of women's…
Your words ring true, certainly best to go by the old adage of treating others the way you'd like to be treated. If only compassion could be taught more efficiently in schools than it is now!
You definitely have far more experience with misandry than I do, and I didn't mean to belittle those who have been abused with my comment. I'm sorry if it did in fact end up putting forth the idea that nothing bad ever happens to men, when what I was going for was the statistical and historical evidence that suggests…