That's a bullshit argument. If he won fair and square, I don't see the problem.
That's a bullshit argument. If he won fair and square, I don't see the problem.
EVO this year really got me back into fighting games.
"No right winning"? DId he cheat or something?
No and not unless you hold the same standard for Steam.
I already explained why the metaphor is bad. If "killing is bad" was all that you got out of it, you've misunderstood my post.
Upvotes isn't exactly a good measure of viability.
Regardless of what you personally feel, your metaphor is still inadequate.
Common doesn't mean good. It's why things like Godwin's Law is frowned upon.
Talk about immature.
You can't seriously compare the attempt at a new console infrastructure with plans to meticulously murder someone. That's insane.
Retraining huh?
That's not necessarily a bad thing, though. I think having a more casual game and a more hardcore game line would be beneficial to the genre.
I enjoyed Chrono Trigger's non standard game over. Really hit home about how badly you failed.
Why are people so angry over a content update for SSF4? I mean, most people probably stopped playing long ago, so this update won't interest them. Do people expect this update to be free? Jesus. Talk about entitlement.
Still don't understand why SFxT was received so negatively, I thought it was fun. Was it poorly balanced?
I see. That's a fair position to have. For what it's worth, some of what you propose is worrisome to me as well.
Very informative, thank you for that.
If that's what you're referring to, I agree 100%; that practice is already happening. A lot of people are throwing around terms like "Big Brother" and "PRISM" in association with the Kinect, though, which makes me laugh at how technologically incompetent some people can be.
I don't think you understand the tremendous amount of data required to record and store HD video. I don't doubt that something like Skype voice, or text apps can be monitored and recorded, but 24/7 video surveillance and recording? It's really not feasible on a scale you're talking about.
Do people really believe that the Xbox One is going to spy on them? I mean, text and audio is one thing, but streaming HD video 24/7? That's ridiculous.