
Look, asshole, my initial post was asking actual questions that were not made clear in this, the article I read and am commenting on.

I can't wear strapless bras at all. I wear a "28F" which isn't real and so strapless bras literally just flop over on me. But I imagine if you have success in them, they would work great with a boatneck cut! I tend to just pull my straps off to the sides/let them show/not wear a bra :/

Wow, because the way one dresses definitely equates to how book smart they are. And there are definitely no places where it doesn't snow in winter. Nope, no siree.

... Really?

Because the way I dress means I can't be a good student? I didn't take the bus, and I had really warm coats. And like I said, I wore gogo boots, and those go to your knees. Only my thighs were showing, and the school had heating. It's not like I was going ice fishing in that attire.

Chastity merkin? Wait. Want that as my stripper name.

Pretty Woman.

Aha! I absolutely remember the 'bottomiest bottom that ever bottomed' line, I thought it was hilarious and very clever. I totally get the blowjob country only thing now, something I have experienced myself. And I do not think you are over sharing at all. :)

shoulda added "ya" after "You wanna get high?"

"Whore Score"??? WTF.

I don't know about international rules, but you can adopt domestically if you've been on psych meds or in therapy. I'm sure there's a limitation at some point, in regards to the diagnoses, but in your case, I'd bet you'd get approved.

Nah, it's fine to ask/vent. every country is different re shrink/meds thing. China was the one we were excluded from. We were aged out on others. Some countries close programs (Guatamala). Find a reputable agency that specializes in foreign adoption and they'll help you get through.

It took my completely normal friends from 2006 to 2014 to be approved as adoptive parents. The hoops they had to jump through, the endless paperwork, the home visits to prove that they would be fit parents. They finally got to adopt a little boy last year and he is thriving and obviously the light of their lives.

I knowwww, I can read about it a zillion other places, but I want to get my snark on HERE! (It's an addiction, really, this kinja thing, like psychic scab-picking.)

THIS, I KEEP WAITING TOO! WTF? sorry for the yelling, but I feel like we'll get an explainer in 2-3 days when my fury has settled more into a simmer, I want to hate read as much snark as possible ASAP

I told everyone the weekend of I was busy with spring cleaning.

*facepalm* I'm going to be patient since "I just finished a course" leads me to believe you're young and dumb, which happens.

I laughed so hard at that reply! It was basically "LOL NO".... but he very thoughtfully went on to unpack the whole thing & how the letter-writers basically know nothing about their own laws, let alone international laws, and they should just go sit back down at the kiddie-table & let the leaders talk. He slammed

C'mon though - the Intentionally Withheld Education of Lauryn Hill? I mean.

Can Jezebel compile a list of all the times the GOP has tried to sneak abortion language into a bill that has nothing to do with Abortion? Just the years that cover the Obama Presidency. I know you don't have two years of free time to cover all the times before Obama came into office.