
As a full-time manager in retail, I was making “$24,000-ish” according to my job, but after taxes, insurance, and a 401k I didn't sign up for, I actually brought home about $12,000 a year. Take home pay was roughly $500 per biweekly check. I worked anywhere from 40-85 hours a week.

But that’s WHY it was such a big deal! An African American Leave It to Beaver had never been done before! White people watched that show and thought of the Huxtables the same way they would any affluent white family. That was why it was groundbreaking. It showed a successful, educated black family giving out life

I know it’s a typo, but man, “make a big decision to bang a user” just made my whole day better!

As long as I haven't lost it!

Endo here, too. Glad you're feeling better?? If it helped??

I got off work at 1am one night and stopped by the Wal*Mart down the street. It was too late to use a dressing room without it being a giant hassle for all involved, and I had a tank top under my sweater (I was dressed very professionally), so I just tried the shirt I liked on over my tank top after removing the

What part of any of that indicates they use pain medication?

No, seriously...you ok?

Are you ok?

Wandering uterus!!! Hahaha!! I’m dying! Oh man, I died. I’m dead.

Why are you grey? Were you always grey? Have I lost it??

Your LADY business*

And not at all medically safe.

Apparently, all of us who thought it was cute to buy a hooded sweatshirt for their kitty at Urban Outfitters.

Don't worry, Chandler wore it first...and Santorum isn't important enough to undo all the greatness of Chandler Bing!

Well, I mean...the worst part of mine was drinking the cement milkshake beforehand. Then, they put me to sleep and I felt nothing. He doesn't deserve that. If anything, give him my 6th endo/colonoscopy experience - they refused to give me enough anesthesia and I was awake for both procedures. I felt everything, and

Its the worst. I have vaginismus, endometriosis, adenomyosis, etc...Sex is off the table (though...prior to all this, I did have sex on a table...) and vaginal ultrasounds are so ridiculously painful. I’ll never forget the ER doctor who thought I was a drug addict (ya know...the ONE...not like they all assume I’m a

I have nothing of substance to say...I just feel physically ill.

How the fuck is it possible to have a judge order the destruction of your record based solely on “Jesus is ok with it”?! Did they think destroying the file would make all this go away? What does this actually mean? He couldn’t be legally held responsible anyway, so what was the point? Can the judge get in trouble for

Or “Forensic Files.” A show about brutal rape and murder...but where science wins and bad people are punished. Even religious ones.