
I think for many of us (me, at least), it’s a natural progression. We spent yesterday completely horrified and discussed the abuse, the cover up, the cop, the poor girls being forced to forgive, etc...I know there was a huge discussion.

Hey, this is the first time one of my tips was actually put to use! Yay!

I get transvaginal ultrasounds frequently because of my endometriosis. It’s not uncommon for students to join my appointments. However, I have NEVER been sexually stimulated in order to insert the probe. I guess what I’m trying to say is, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!

Maybe it’s the pain meds, but this headline is super confusing...

Here’s what I learned by reading the comments:

Wayne Brady is a dick. In like 2003, he performed at my college. He was popular from Whose Line, but not a superstar or anything. My boyfriend at the time’s brother-in-law had asked us to find Wayne after the show. Turns out, prior to finding fame, Wayne performed in a multi-act show in Vegas with the boyfriend’s BIL.

On top of all that, my dresses were always altered. Can’t exactly return after it’s been altered! Plus, the dress was purchased and alterations in progress by February. I would be livid.


Replace “lentils” with “Sixlets” and I’m accurately represented. I’m hopped up on Sixlets and feminism.

I dealt with the promotion thing, too. My boss was fired for the same reason I was (his boss hated us and made things up to fire us), and I was acting manager with no extra benefit for 6 months. During Christmas. In retail. I was competent enough to do the job when we had no manager, and I was competent enough to be

Good for you! When I got promoted, i was offered $0.50 less per hour than the previous manager started at. When I countered with “why not (amount)?” My boss asked why, I responded “it’s what (male manager) made.” I ended up with $0.25 less per hour with the promise of a raise in 3 months. Three months goes by, I get

No, please...it's finally over!

Dying! This is the best!! You and that adorable cat are now my favorite.

I don’t know why I know this, but he watched the east coast feed with certain family and the west with the Kardashian family.

I was raped on a train.

Dammit, I came here to say that!!

My mom’s boyfriend’s adult child stole all the jewelry my dad gave her before he died...AND HIS WEDDING BAND! I'm still so pissed. I'm so, so angry.

“Honest to blob,” I am dying. That made my whole day!

What I wouldn't do for some dilaudid right now...

I follow her and yesterday she posted something about how people complain about all the retweets (I personally love them) and she showed everyone how to mute only her retweets if it bothered them that much. My point: if you like her enough to follow her but hate the retweets, go to her page and click that wheel thing