
Honestly, I think a large portion of the problem is that painsomnia has me up at 3:30am waiting for my oxycodone to do any damn thing besides make my head fuzzy.

I have to assume this looks different on a computer than it does on my phone...I really like the idea but it doesn't make much sense how I see it currently.

When I met with my distric manager to discuss why I deserved a raise (maybe because as a manager, working more than 40-60 hours a week, doing literally everyone's jobs, and bringing home roughly $11-12,000 a year after taxes with no hope of commission because I made more per hour and worked more hours than my

We already have the corruption issue to be famous for...I just feel Rauner will take us to the next level of embarrassment, with discrimination and oppression and destruction of unions, the middle class, and women's rights.

I just can't do this today. My heart hurts for these women who are prosecuted for miscarriages. As someone with a reproductive illness, I know miscarriage is highly likely to be in my future, assuming I get pregnant at all...As a white woman, I assume I probably won't have to deal with this (which is bullshit in

Just give it a minute. Huff post has already written about Rauner and how terrible he is for the state (and, ya know, humanity)...it's only a matter of time before we become an embarrassment.

Illinois isn't going to be much better for long, now that Rauner is in charge. Right to work, defunding, discrimination...it's all coming. Every time I think about it, I feel sick. Physically ill. Ugh I cannot believe he won. I just can't get over it.

Always wondered why I couldn't edit. Mystery solved.

I was supposed to have a complete hysterectomy by 27, but when I broke down at 24 and begged for one, my doctor cried and told me it wouldn't help. It has spread too far. It won't benefit me enough to lose my very slim chance of kids. It's in my lungs, my liver, my right kidney...my bladder and bowels are bound

It is the worst. Some women only deal with it when they have their periods. Others, like me, have severe symptoms every day, regardless of period status. There's no cure and no real treatment. Just hormones to calm down periods or stop them altogether and pain meds that people assume we're addicted to and only using

When I was 15-16, my boyfriend at the time would steal Motion Lotion from Spencer's.

I have endometriosis. Endometriosis is a chronic illness and it occurs when tissue (like the tissue that lines the uterus) grows outside of the uterus and causes painful blisters, tumors and cysts. It causes adhesions, (scar tissue) that bind organs together that have no business being connected. It is excruciatingly

Am I the only one who thinks it's a tad inappropriate that a child is not only suggesting wine as the solution to his mom's stress, but also pouring her a glass? I'm not generally a pearl clutcher, but it feels off to me. Maybe I need a nap.

Of course. I got you.

Serious question: What about Adultosaur?

Well, I aim to please!!

I got there eventually. Haha!

It's possible that sharing this will say more about myself than I might be prepared for, but here goes...

I know they've said a bunch of different people, OJ being the most prominent.

I wish I didn't know, if that helps at all. I cannot believe the one and only time I've ever corrected a Jezebel writer, it was over the mother effing kardashians. Fuck.