
The things GOPers say about women could fill BINDERS AND BINDERS!!

So are puppy dog tails.

I did the same with "not always right dot com" for new employees in retail. I love bco because anyone working customer service has encountered these idiots, and it's nice to have a place for the abused employees to commiserate.

Exactly. I have a chronic, debilitating illness. There are days I can't walk. Days I can't eat or drink or stop throwing up. I've lost 40 pounds, my social life, my degree, my career, my hopes for a partner and a family...my independence...I've just about lost everything...to the point my doctor has held my hand and

Not to mention the song he used to attack the grieving widow was originally (written and?) sung by a woman who just died, as well. Douchecube.

He wishes he could insert himself into anything Kardashian.

Fuck every single part of this. Fuck it.

I was a late bloomer. I was incredibly flat-chested (still am, shut your face, it's fine. I'm fine.) and didn't get my period till I was a freshman. In 7th grade, all the popular girls were getting their periods, and of COURSE they had boobs, so I was an easy target. It was like, all they could talk about in school. I

Eric Clapton??? Nooooo!!! Ugh, please tell me why I have to hate him now.

Hi...I am an old, if not totally in age, then at least in coolness. You seem to be young and hip, so I was wondering if you could help me out. What does SJW stand for? TL;DR?! I need assistance with the cool. I forgot how to hip.

It was said in a pretty sheepish tone...I'm glad I could make you laugh though!!

I am also in that club. It sucks like whoa.

I wanted to make a lame joke about how I hope you're using your pussy when you have sex, but then I realized how problematic that joke could be in terms of offending those who have sex just fine sans vagina...then I accidentally clicked reply and now I can't back out of it.

I've read the books (don't judge me too harshsly)

I feel that a can of non-smashed, perfectly in tact assholes would be sufficiently unpleasant enough to properly convey the amount of ugly warranted in any given situation.

If this had been the exact same situation...same invasion of privacy, same restaurant, same angry tweets...if everything was the exact same but had involved anyone else..say, someone Jezebel likes, like Beyoncé, how much do you wanna bet the coverage would be completely different?

Well, obviously, one properly punishes the sluts and saves teh babiez.

And cats?

What does it mean when your cat licks the cheese powder off a Cheeto?

No, but if you find out, let me know. I end up posting multiple times in a row and it's ridiculous.