
Does he resent the fuck out of his mom? I would. I would hate her for forcing me to live with debilitating pain because her religion said I had to. I already live with debilitating pain, and I'm bitter enough, even though no one caused mine (aside from idiot doctors).

Does he resent the fuck out of his mom? I would. I would hate her for forcing me to live with debilitating pain because her religion said I had to. I already love with debilitating pain, and I'm bitter enough, even though no one caused mine (aside from idiot doctors).

I see your Durbin and raise you a Blago.

Hmm...now I just want to gnaw on one of those spoons. I always liked sucking on those tiny spoons, and I'm not sure why. The taste? The size? I might have issues.

That's interesting. I can't even use the smallest one comfortably. It's really frustrating and it seriously affects my relationships. I hope you can get some help.

I made this argument on my Facebook a while back, and holy hell, the responses I got were disgusting. Most people felt the need to remind me that cars aren't a protected right in our constitution. I just. Ugh. I can't.

This won't post, so I keep trying. If you get a double or triple post, I apologize.

This won't post, so I keep trying. If you get a double or triple post, I apologize.

I've "rescued" three animals and it kills me what people can do. When I was in college, I volunteered at my local shelter and there was this dog, roughly a year old, who had been returned to the shelter three times. By the time I got to her, she had been chained outside without shade, food or water and had been found

Any 24-hour Walgreens should be able to make them overnight...or at least, that's what I was told when I was on them. Promise me you'll wear little pads in your underwear while on this medication. I cannot tell you how many pairs of mine are completely ruined by the stuff.

Have you tried pelvic floor therapy or vaginal valium or anything like that? I have this issue, too. It's why I'm single. There are things you can do/take to help make sex easier. If you need any help, or hell, have any advice, let me know!!

I feel the same way. You don't get over it. You adjust to it, sure, but it never goes away. I don't have the numbness I had the first two weeks anymore, and I'm not consumed by gut-wrenching pain that leaves me in a ball on the floor anymore..but I have a steady level of pain that affects me every second, and it

That's a really nice thought. I hope I did help someone. Thank you.

Me too. This is just...ugh. It's so very ugh.

After my 94-year-old neighbor lost her husband, she had some dementia that wasn't dementia issues, and my mom and I (and other neighbors) would help her out. She always said she had people living with her that she didn't invite. Some were deceased family, which I honestly thought might be a real, paranormal thing

I'm sorry for your loss, as well. Losing someone to suicide is a whole other ball game, you know? Even when you know, logically, how it happened and how it isn't your fault, emotionally, it just consumes you.

After the first six months of completely self-destructive behavior and 30 pound weight loss, I was hospitalized for intense therapy for almost three months. I had been in regular outpatient therapy leading up to it, but then my counselor, who was also my sister's counselor, told my sister to steal my keys and go

I'm sincerely not trying to start something when I say this, but how did she kill Kurt? He took his own life. Unless I'm just not understanding some joke or something, I truly don't understand why she would be held responsible for his death.

I repeat: I hate people. I hate all of the everyone. Ugh. I'm so sorry you deal with that, too. I honestly thought it was just me, and now I'm really sad and ragey that it's not an isolated incident.

Omg I was told the same damn thing! I was told that God gave me a this illness because he knew I would be a terrible mother and to adopt or use a surrogate or do IVF would be sinning against God. Oh, I hate people.