
Careful, some a-hole is going to yell at you for posting this. While I feel it's the GIF that keeps on giving (ha), someone on here always lashes out at people who post it lately.

I just stopped working for a multi-billion dollar retail corporation and it made me CRAZY how old our systems and software were. Apparently, the corporate offices and higher ups had real technology though, because when they sent reports our way, our Microsoft 2000 wouldn't allow us to see the entire document or save

If my obituary starts with "Flat-chested and certainly shaped like a 12-year-old boy..." I'm gonna haunt the fuck out of the author.

Honestly, I don't really have friends these days. I lost most of them nearly 5 years ago when my boyfriend died. Apparently, I was "too negative" and "dramatic" because I cried a lot and kept to myself. The ones that didn't choose to walk out were kicked out after making comments like "I have no respect for him,"

PS: that girl can fuck right off. Cocoa Puffs for life!

You can still eat cocoa puffs AND enjoy oatmeal. The sweet maple and brown sugar kind. Or the apple cinnamon. Or the maple and brown sugar. Have you heard about the maple and brown sugar kind?!?!

My only reason to respond to you and take time from your life is that I read this and stopped chewing for a sec to look down at the bowl in my lap.

I didn't even bother trying to report the next time. What was the point? If they won't believe me as a virgin raped by a stranger, they certainly won't believe a second assault..this time by an ex who drugged me. There's was no point. No point.

What would help is some resource where I could go back to school, move out of mom's basement, and afford my surgeries and meds I desperately need. I don't think you guys can assist there. At some point, I'll have a fundraiser site for medical stuff, but not yet.

Thank you. I wrote that last night without much emotion. It was 12 years ago, I've dealt with it the best I can, I was just trying to prove a point to the op, etc...

She shouldn't even be on house arrest. She should have been treated with dignity and compassion...not like a filthy criminal needing to be put away for the rest of her life. Does she at least have a restraining order in place for the ex? Does she have some sort of protection, considering we all know she will be stuck

Unless he assaulted someone else and she didn't drop the charges, he was never convicted. I was a scared, embarrassed and ashamed kid. I dropped the charges like the officer wanted. I regret it as a knowledgable adult.

Same here.

It was actually the prosecution who brought that up. The defense said he was too drunk to form a plan to rape. Prosecution stated if he could spell quesadilla properly he couldn't have been that drunk.

This is just one story, and I'm not about to say every rape victim has this experience, but I would bet a larger portion do have this experience than the ones who are treated with respect and compassion 100% of the time.

If you refer to women as "females" I have already stopped listening to you. What IS that?!

I'm sorry for your loss. It's not easy.

The fuck?

I originally wrote this in response to someone else, but I want to share the story with as many as I can, so I'm posting my own thread, hoping that someone will take me out of the greys and that others will see this. This story changed my entire outlook on being a woman..especially one in public alone. I just feel it

When I was in college, I was out with a group of friends. I wasn't in the Greek system, but my boyfriend was and my roommates were, so I ended up at a lot of frat/sorority functions. I remember this one night; everyone was walking from party to party, we were drunk...singing in the streets, that kind of thing (I was