
...little douchebags...

Plus, if he gets a pass this time, can you imagine how powerful he would feel? Not only would he rape again, he would do it knowing he would get away with it. Terrifying.

Thank you. Sincerely. It's not easy...and I appreciate your kind words.

Holly Ridgewood, here...unless I have to count a bird my family had before I was old enough to care...then I'm either Bird or Ernie Ridgewood.

I was fired from a job I've had for over three years on Monday because of my illness. So now, on top of everything else, I have to worry about health insurance and what is going to happen with the surgery I put off three times since August so I could cover my store. Plus, if I do somehow find $2k for the two bottles

Don't forget the "oh, good, Mom's almost asleep. I just wanna remind her I'm here...." *stretches paw out until it makes contact with the face; usually the eyeball, but occasionally the nostril* "Why you jump? Just saying hi!!"

I started this as an actual response to your comment, but it morphed into this whole other thing. I still feel it should be posted, and I hope you understand I genuinely started this to give my input and it turned into a rant I apparently needed to let go of. I apologize in advance.

Right? Everyone acts like it's such a body-positive song, like it should be the anthem for young girls...but what I hear is "boys like curves, so if you have curves, you're worthy of love" and don't forget to "tell them skinny bitches that" they aren't as worthy as those of us with curves are. It seriously bothers me

The main med is a serious pain medication, and with all the judgement and red tape I already deal with, I really don't think I'll be able to get any help, but I will certainly look into it. That drug has such a stigma, but it's what allows me to stand up and work every day...I can't function like a normal person

Yes, because calling a woman a bitch and suggesting she is only jealous of sororities because she wasn't good enough to be in one is what feminism is really about...

Last I checked, endo didn't qualify as a disability in my state. I haven't had to worry too much for a few years, so now I'll have to go check if anything changed. I also now have to figure out a way to pay for my $1600 a month medication without insurance or income. Ugh, it's just a mess.

How many times are we going to have to have this conversation? Alcohol is not to blame for people being raped, no matter how you look at it. A woman drinking and then being assaulted wasn't asking for it. A man (or woman) drinking and raping a woman (or a man) wasn't "too drunk to make a decision to rape." Drinking

And now I'm visualizing that worm thing from Sesame Street or the Muppets or whatever from when I was a kid. Thank you for that!

Thank you. This disease rips apart who you are, and to have to worry about legal punishment because of it on top of everything else just makes you feel hopeless. I just got fired two days ago because of this illness after three years of no one caring I was sick. I've lost two jobs because of it and I desperately need

Thank you! Wiki-how said it should be all one theme so I was confused. Also, this "meninist" BS is ridiculous on that site.

I cannot stress how terrified I am for my own possible future, and the futures of the over 5 million women in this country like me. I have severe endometriosis. I've battled it over half my life...nearly 17 years. If I am lucky enough to get pregnant naturally, my chance of miscarriage is significantly higher. Will I

I think I've got the heart feature down. I'm still working on reblogging, but how do I actually start my own blog? Do I have to write about only one topic?

This is only slightly related because I (think I) just followed your blog on tumblr. I realize this isn't the place for this, but I don't know anyone who uses the site and I've spent forever trying to figure it out to no avail. Can you give me any tips on how to use tumblr? I am so very lost.

Thanks, Lily Allen, for letting me know men find me disgusting because I'm skinny. I appreciate it. That "real men love meat, bones are for dogs" BS wasn't annoying enough. Thank you for driving home the point that I am unworthy, undesirable, and unwanted. I always wanted a pop star to tell me how disgusting I am.

Any idea how to stop? I don't grind that I know of, but I clench constantly to the point of not being able to open my jaw. I don't know why I'm doing it. Help??