
But by that argument, we need to ban all perfume, cologne, and scented lotions/aftershaves. At the very least, regulate the crap out of it. Because maybe I can't stand the smell of Armani Code or I'm allergic to Cucumber Melon.

What would you like to know?

You do lose rights when you're incarcerated, and you should. But making her quit breast feeding like they did not only stripped her of her bodily autonomy, it endangered both mother and baby. Breast feeding isn't the same thing as say, making phone calls or smoking cigarettes. It's a physical necessity for both

I read your original post as saying the mother should have just gone to the doctor for the note. As we continue this discussion, it's occurring to me that maybe that isn't what you were saying. Regardless, that was why I emphasized the word jail in my original reply.

First off, my apologies if my capital letters offended you, but I am on my phone and either cannot use italics to emphasize my point or I am not smart enough to figure out how to do so.

It is completely likely that the baby was sick solely because it was switched to formula. Sensitive stomachs can't handle an abrupt change.

I'm pretty sure she couldn't "go in" to the doctor to get a note because she was in JAIL. The jail forced her to lose the ability to nurse her child. They had no right to take food from her child or her bodily autonomy. They put her and the baby at risk. This isn't something she just gets to pick back up when she gets

Oh, I've dated this guy. He broke my heart for 8 years before I wised up. He won't change. Yours won't either. There's a book called "Love the One You're With" by ...umm...shit...the woman who wrote "Something Borrowed" and "Something Blue." I can't remember her name. Emily Giffen? Anyway, it is much like your story.

You knew the risks when you hit the "buy" icon. You knew if you proceeded willy nilly you might end up with a pair of crocs. You knew that online shopping results in purchases if you don't take precautions, so why should we have to deal with the outcome of your online promiscuity? No, you knew the risks and chose to

I did that with a cake once. I made a cake, then had to go to the ER. I remember my sister waking me upstairs to my apartment, convincing her I was fine to be left alone, and going to bed. I do not remember eating an entire cake. Buuuut when I woke up the next day, there was an empty cake pan with a fork in it and an

Two things: 1) it's OxyContin, as in oxycodone continuous release. Not OxyCotin or OxyCotton or anything else. 2) Getting my prescribed medications every month is hard enough without people who have no idea what they're talking about judging people like me. You don't know what my life is like. I have a debilitating

You can't cross the street wherever you want. You have to cross in the designated crosswalk.

Whatcha got for a ballet/hip hop/jazz/tap dancer who used to freaking EAT, SLEEP, and BREATHE dance who ended up with issues with her hips plus a horrid case of endometriosis that took her out of the studio? I used to dance 6-7 days a week. I not only took classes at the studio daily, I was on a team, taught classes

I work retail and make over $10/hour, and I can tell you it is not enough to pay for crap. I'm also a manager. I do my job, my employees' jobs, and my manager's job, but due to commission, my staff takes home more than I do, and my boss makes $20,000 more a year than I do. Because I "make more money," I am in a higher

And don't let a cop convince you to drop the charges. I pressed charges the first time. The police called me months later and told me that I should drop them because nothing would happen to him. She said it was a "he said/she said" case and that at the very most, he would have a few hours community service. She

Our lives are similar, though I've never been near an Ivy League school...I'm so sorry for what you've been through, and what I know you still continue to go through, even today. I started college 9 years ago. I have yet to get a degree. It's funny how things like rape completely derail your life. Considering how

"Fap" is slang for "masturbate" due to the sound.

It is disgusting and pathetic how many so-called feminists are commenting that professional cheerleaders are only in their occupation in order to "snag a wealthy quarterback." Seriously? These women have been training in dance/cheer/gymnastics their whole lives to get where they are. If I hadn't gotten sick, I would

Are we not gonna talk about Farrah's rape claims?? I'm surprised no one has mentioned that. Has she spoken about it before? I've never heard anything about her being raped before. Was it reported? Was she treated? Did she get any help or support? Regardless of how I feel about her as a person, no one deserves to be

It took 8 years to get the correct diagnosis for me. 20 minutes into an episode of House, I knew the patient had my illness. I wish he had been around in 1999.