
Me too. I'm dealing with chronic illness, which causes chronic fatigue, and busting my ass every day. I am completely useless when not at work because my body is so tired from pushing so hard I can't move. I fall asleep on my drive home at least 3 times a week. I sleep through my alarm every day. I fall asleep on

I posted something similar to someone else who mentioned the "look at me" bullshit, but you brought up another point, so I'll say it again.

Yeah, that's what my first rapist said to me. The whole time. "Look at me. Look at me."

I was just trying to recommend your comment...but since kinja decided I wanted to comment, thank you for starting this. Spread that link everywhere you can!

Do you mean minor children of celebrities, or any minor child? I don't think it should be a problem to take pictures of, say, my niece's birthday party, or my (non-existent) kid's recital. I fully agree with the celebrity thing, though. I'm just curious how far you would hope to take this.

When I was little, the boy next door told me I wasn't allowed to play Legos with him because I was a girl. He said Legos were only for boys. Pissed me off then...still pisses me off today. Why do I need a penis to stack colorful blocks into a tower?

Ok, so...this guy steals a deceased soldier's identity in order to trick women into thinking he's desirable...and you're saying the makeup I wear to make MYSELF happier is the same thing? Really? I'm sure that black line I draw on my eyelids is making all the men think I'm a desirable sex kitten and a wonderful

It's definitely the school counseling program. He deserves better. Good luck!

I went to the counseling center my freshman year of college (before I dropped out due to being unable to deal with what I'm about to say...). My dad died my senior year of high school. As he was deteriorating, my mom started using drugs and alcohol to cope, leaving me to care for my father. After high school and

One of the ingredients of sizzurp is codeine, which is an opiate. If you are addicted to any opiate (codeine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, heroin, etc...), the withdrawal is ridiculously difficult. I worked in a drug rehab for 6 years, and I worked the detox program pretty regularly. I've seen people come off every

From what I've read on the subject of paranormal, that's not surprising. I kind of wish I wasn't as cynical. Maybe if I wasn't so guarded, I'd see stuff, too. I've felt things and had weird things happen since my dad and boyfriend died (two separate people), but I always try to rationalize it. Maybe it's not supposed

I think "stub orbs" gave it a little something extra. Made me smile, anyway.

People don't realize how serious codependency is. I'm sorry that you have to go through this, but I'm glad you have an understanding of what addiction can do to those around the addict. You sound like you are more than capable of handling this. If you haven't yet, read the book "Codependent No More." It's something I

Thank you for this. Not only am I an ACOA, I worked in drug/alcohol addiction treatment for 6 years, and it's something I am very passionate about. Addiction is a disease. Alcoholism is an addiction. It infuriates me when people try to say it's about willpower or that addicts choose that path. It's a disease. It's a

Thank you. I don't know why I feel so guilty about it. Probably because I was blamed for my own rape. Who knows?

I don't watch it now, so I don't know what they're doing these days, but they definitely glamorized rape in the 90s.

I was trying to star this and ended up replying. It's early. It's sad that we're conditioned to think that way so early on.

I'm gonna say something I've never said before...When I was like 10, Eddie Cibrian was on The Young and the Restless. He had a plot line where he raped a girl named Amy. My mom was in the hospital fighting leukemia, so I was in charge of recording her shows and telling her what happened. The way they shot that rape

I just had to address with one of my employees (and my boss, but he's another story altogether) that racial profiling is not acceptable. He assumed because a woman was black, had tattoos, and "looked like she couldn't afford Uggs" she would steal. He told her he would go look for the item she wanted, but actually just