
It abbreviated "spice" to "spic."

My test is "can you love me with baggage?" I tell a new guy on the third date that I have a serious illness. If he can't handle it, I don't want to get attached. I've lost every boyfriend but one in the past 10 years because I'm sick, but it's always "I'm not like the other guys, it's not like you have any control

My ex-boyfriend's mother has been married to his father for at least 35 years. When we were dating, I had my first surgery for endometriosis and obviously wasn't putting on makeup. She came to visit and told me that her husband has NEVER seen her without makeup. She waits till he's asleep to take it off and wakes up

Thank you. To this day, I have nightmares about him...and the others...but mainly him or just random guys. The other times weren't violent. That guy was. And no one understood, they just made fun of me and blamed me for it. 11 years, and I still wake up crying. But, yeah...I wanted it. I wanted my first time to be a

The first words out of my mom's mouth were "Well, what did you do?" like I had caused some guy to break in to a bathroom and attack me. It still bothers me, 11 years later.

After my first experience with rape, I went back to my friends and told them what happened. He took some time to clean up, I guess, cause a few minutes later, he sauntered up to us smiling. I couldn't look at him. My friend told him to get away from me and his response still makes me shudder. He laughed, ran his hand

After my first experience with rape, I went back to my friends and told them what happened. He took some time to clean up, I guess, cause a few minutes later, he sauntered up to us smiling. I couldn't look at him. My friend told him to get away from me and his response still makes me shudder. He laughed, ran his hand

I found a cat in a dumpster a week after my boyfriend died. I wasn't a huge fan of cats, I'd seen many, many animals abandoned at each semester's end, and it was pouring down rain...but something made me chase him around for an hour with a can of tuna that day. For 6 months, that cat was my project. He was the only

Seriously, I'm so sick of the breast cancer "awareness" campaigns. I have been diagnosed with three types of cancer: one benign and two malignant. I see very little in the way of awareness. Especially the benign one. My mom nearly died of leukemia when I was 10 and my dad lost his battle with liver cancer when I was

I heard about this last week...I live in the area, and this is so tragic. What the community did that day is nothing short of amazing.

Oh, Essie and I are the best of friends. I don't use anything else.

Oh, Essie and I are the best of friends. I don't use anything else.

I don't understand why everyone is having such an issue with the tribute to Cory. When my boyfriend died, it was all I could do to keep living. Honestly, it is the most overwhelming, consuming, soul-crushing pain when you lose your partner like that. I did anything I could think of to ease the pain. Anything to feel

What'd she say??? What'd I miss?!?!

That was a huge deal in Illinois a few years back. Cosmo and Glamour both had to have covers. Not Men's Health, though! Men completely topless NOT scandalous! Women fully clothed but with cleavage showing OH THE HUMANITY!!!

If I could have, I would have...but MY boss is one of THOSE right wing tin foil hat people.

Thank you. I had forgotten I had written this because no one responded, and I was really confused when I saw someone was sending me hugs. When I re-read what I wrote, I broke down again. It's hard. It's so hard. No one understands that this kind of pain doesn't go away. There is no healing. There is no better. It's

That tiny kitten doesn't have any power over me, nor is he/she trying to take away my rights. I'd feel SO much worse for the kitten. I will feel no sympathy for MB. None. That kitten, on the other hand, may come live in my arms for all of eternity. I'll do all it's reading from here on out. Just not in Greek.

One of my moron employees was telling me that anyone who can't reproduce isn't living. Like, isn't a living being. He was using it as some way to tell me homosexuality is a genetic disease (yeah), and then I flipped out about my reproductive illness and how he needs to figure out what life is before deciding who is

Well, fuck.