
The way you say, "it worked MOSTLY" worries me.

That is just GIF perfection.


I feel physically ill after reading this. In what world is this acceptable?! The GOP is just a bunch of racist, misogynist bullies who pout and throw out insults when they don't get their way. They don't even have the decency to insult the woman's policies. They insult her body because that's all women are to them.

You can't make me accept that Khlomar is over. I WON'T DO IT!!!


Thank you! I also get to deal with friends saying I'm a bad friend for having to cancel plans, boyfriends cheating or running for the hills because I have limitations and being with me is "settling" and they can do better - they deserve better, employers firing me, HR people telling me I can't take certain medications

Aww, my first slow clap...I'm honored!

Oh, I totally know what you're saying. I just hate that it's a thing at all. Women don't have expiration dates. Until death. Period.

Me. Too.

Honey, you're only 38! You're still beautiful. Come on, now.

RIGHT?!?!?! I swear, if I ate a cheeseburger every time some random person ordered me to, I would've died of a heart attack 6 years ago. People just come up to me to let me know I'm "too thin." Or a friend's family members refer to me as "the girl with the problem" after meeting me at a funeral. Literally, her cousin

Well...That was unnecessary. Why, oh why, did I click on that at work?

Well, I mean...it's a little early to be picking out china patterns...

Well, I mean...it's a little early to be picking out china patterns...

Well, I mean...it's a little early to be picking out china patterns...

Ah, yes...Because what women need more than anything is another list of reasons why we're not good enough...

I did that laundry thing last weekend and slept in the other room. It was just easier that way.

But, you see, I don't give a damn about the Catholic Church. What I care about is slowing down the progression of the disease that's rapidly taking over my entire body. Your point was that no one NEEDS hormonal birth control. My point is that some, including myself, truly do. Religion doesn't factor in to your

No, no, no...JGL had the best lip sync battle of ALL TIME!!