
Actually, many women DO need birth control. Like, it's an actual necessity to live. I am one of many.

I like you.

I like you.

Aww, can't whore pills be feminine?? It's just more fitting if they're feminine. Just me? Probably.

Aww, can't whore pills be feminine?? It's just more fitting if they're feminine. Just me? Probably.

I will be singing "fuck you and fuck Ted Cruz" all day long. Thank you for that. Sincerely.

Someone help me out here, cause my little woman brain can't handle it. After the government slutdown (which I will be hash tagging ALL OVER THE PLACE THANK YOU!!), will I still be able to get my medication for endometriosis (ie, birth control) without a copay, or do I have to fork over more cash I don't have for

My biggest take away from this incredibly long story is that a published author doesn't know the difference between "I could care less" and "I couldn't care less." Is that bad?

Is it just me, or is JGL just EVERYTHING right now? I love him. He's so talented, he seems super sweet, he's hilarious (if you haven't seen his lip sync battle on Late Nite with Jimmy Fallon, go now. I'll wait.), and if this interview shows anything, he's got amazing character. I just love him. If he ends up being a

Dear Fluffy Little Puppy-Bear Thing,

It's just awful because I already have so much baggage, that telling new boyfriends everything is basically asking them to run. Between the chronic illnesses, the possible infertility, the painful sex, the deceased boyfriend, deceased father, alcoholic mother (who nearly died of leukemia), more than one rape, and

No, I never got anything. I have written long comments to people and had them disappear here, too. Now, I copy them just in case. It's infuriating.

After my first assault, I was seriously in shock. I went back and told my friends and they alerted the authorities for me. It had happened less than 10 minutes prior, and I was in no way ready to think about what my next step was. I was young, I had been a virgin just a few minutes ago, and I was just trying to wrap

Oh, please don't!! Chronically ill people call ourselves "spoonies," and I would hate to be confused for a racist asshat.

Thank you. It's so frustrating to be judged all the time for a disease I never wanted. I hate it. I HATE it. I can't change it. I wish at the very least that the people I'm closest to could see that I'm not making this up. My liver is folding in on itself, for God's sake! You can't make that up!!

It makes me crazy always having to defend myself. It's infuriating. A woman I used to work with blew up my FB page last year because I posted a funny work story, and she said I talk about my illness too much. She said her daughter is more ill than I am and she NEVER talks about it, so I shouldn't either. Then, she

Thanks! That was really hurting my brain!

While I am lucky enough to not have fibro, I do know it is very real. It has been linked with endometriosis (along with 618372 other diseases...) and because I run a support group for women with endo, I have seen many women suffer through both illnesses at once. Endometriosis is real. Fibromyalgia is real. The pain is

Thank you. This disease has destroyed my life. I won't let drugs do the same...but I have to take them. I literally cannot get out of bed without them. I spent two hours in bed this morning waiting for them to kick in so I could shower and come to work. I get judged so harshly because I'm on pain meds. When my

Well, that's a shame.