
What your local Planned Parenthood doesn’t have Coven Tuesdays?

Well, I can’t approve of this sort of thing.

why were you hard in the first place?

i wasn’t talking to you


imagine taking two seconds to read about what actually happened

How did this happen to Leslie Jones?

I would have said this was a terrible idea due to the utter perfection of the casting in the CBC miniseries (RIP Jonathan Crombie you will always be my Gil).

I’m pretty convinced that, when men—older men especially—characterize rape this way, it’s because they or someone they know and love did something similar growing up, and they can’t believe that what they did was an abhorrent and dehumanizing crime.

Most sexual assailants are repeat offenders. That’s why being lenient with convicted rapists, and allowing rape kit backlogs to mount, makes me BOIL with rage.

Brock Turner. Nicholas Fifield. Now David Becker. The list just keeps growing. Time and time again the justice system tells white, male athletes that they can get away with rape, that their futures matter more than the futures of their victims. That they are the real victims. We hear you loud and clear, women’s lives

His friends gave him this nickname. His fucking friends. Like it was a big fucking joke. “LOL, you know our good buddy David and his penchant for raping unconscious girls.”

Little girl has spent her life being unwanted, uses her imagine to cope in greatest display of child resilience. Thinks someone finally wants to adopt her, finds out it’s a mistake, is heartbroken. Carries on, eventually winning the hearts of the people who adopted her and finding the love and family she always

Megan Follows forever!

I feel like a person whose introduction to porn was their rapist abductor kind of doesn't have the most level starting point for a conversation about the subject. But maybe that's just me.

You know you’ve fucked up when Courtney fucking Love tells you to grow up.

All elite athletes are genetic anomalies, but this is the only one being singled out

Caster Semenya is not XX. She has a Y chromosome and undescended testicles that are pumping out testosterone. That’s the whole fucking point of the debate, yet it appears nowhere in this article.

I have no idea if Broaddrick’s allegations are true or not, but her story is credible enough, and should be treated with sensitivity and seriousness.