
My takeaway is that Adam Beach is in this movie and now I must see it

I saw this movie the other day and I can’t lie, I hated the ending. Made me so angry.

So, my parents used to let us bring friends when we went camping. One time (I may have been 20) we’re all sitting around the campfire chatting (it goes without saying that everyone including my dad had been drinking). I have no clue what the conversation was but my dad turns to my friend and says “what has 2 thumbs

I'm not going to lie, my co-workers and I put together a name chart the other day. It was a slow day...

and hands...

don't forget gingerbeard!

Morning cry - should have been title morning sob. Thank dog I'm home today and not at work.

Weighing 125lbs at 5'4" would give her a BMI of 21.5. Hardly overweight.

I'm not going to lie, I saw the show and thought she looked emaciated. Hopefully she gains back 20lbs (or whatever is healthiest) and then is able to maintain that with reasonable exercise and healthy eating.

Hey, careful, man, there's a beverage here!

Lena's skin is so creamy. As someone who's pale but uber freckled, this is how I wish I looked.

BAMF for sure.

He's definitely had his teeth fixed, not that I blame him. Not sure about other stuff. Saw this link so it could go either way.

I think he's also had plastic surgery which IMO tends to make men look more feminine.

I so just want to snuggle Seth Rogen so hard.

I'm not a fan of an eye for an eye, but in this instance I wouldn't be that fussed. It'd be a life lesson on what consent means.

I've been wondering the same thing. Would "they" say that a 13 year old boy was asking for it?

As a slut, I'm out too.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. When I was 25 my best friend from high school died unexpectedly (grand mal seizure). I was a basketcase for ages. I found it helpful to spend time with friends and family reminiscing about how she touched our lives.

This is me right now.