
And I will never get over this.

I’m sure others have said this but damn if this isn’t as terrible a few days for Donald Trump as it is for everyone else. This is the worst possible thing to happen to him. He thought he’d lose, become a right-wing martyr, and get a cushy seat yelling at America through Trump TV about crooked Hillary for 30 minutes a

I’m reassuring them that in Canada they are safe, period.

Several of my teacher friends are reporting that their U.S. citizen kids with non-citizen parents are terrified that their parents will be deported. Classes are being disrupted to the point that the guidance offices have started bringing in the grief counselors they keep on call, because they can’t handle the sheer

“You are proof that cousins shouldn’t bread” sounds like a BirdsRightsActivist quote.

As if his hands could wrap all the way around a baby’s neck.

Trump supporter: “Well, maybe he did strangle a baby but......emails!”

Real bravery is stealing someone else’s children.

omg, that is just horrible, and I am horrible for laughing at it.

I had been dating this guy for a few months, and after a relative’s funeral, I met him for drinks (beer and wings). We went back to my place, eventually went to sleep, and I woke up in the middle of the night and was immediately violently ill. No time to even turn my head. I threw up chicken wings and beer all over

Oh omg this just reminded me so vividly of my own similar experience: I was in college, watching a movie with this guy I was sort of seeing. Not a lot of comfort between us, yet, is what I mean. Still in the hiding our farts phase. But I really liked him. He lived in an old house with a bunch of housemates but they

Whenever I hear someone go , “But why now? Why all these women now?” Let me use my experience and simple rational logic to explain WHY NOW.

What ties do you think Hillary has to Anthony Weiner? She employs his ex-wife, is that supposed to be a big red flag? He does something despicable, so she’s unhireable?

Some of us are “some people”. Congrats on being privileged and rich enough not to have to give any fucks about society, though. That must be sweet.

No, fuck YOU. It is not Huma’s fault. Why don’t you go woman-blame yourself off a tall building.

I would sleep with him for £25 million, and a general anaesthetic, and an obliviate spell.

“She’s a nice lady”

Lady Gaga is a musician. Madonna is a performer. Dismissing Gaga’s musical talent over her (weaksauce) gimmicks is missing out on her serious pipes and musical training. Madonna can’t sing for shit and never could.

The real question is if Ivanka has seen an orange one.