
That’s about the size of it. Abortions won’t stop just because clinics close. They will just become incredibly unsafe, and women will die or be maimed as they attempt to terminate these unwanted pregnancies. The well-to-do will always be able to get their D&Cs, but the poor and desperate are the ones who will suffer.

Who are these vacant eyed women who have no empathy for their sisters and friends? I just still can’t wrap my head around who they are out in the wild.

This really goes to show that you’re either pro-choice, or you’re pro-illegal/unsafe abortion. I read that somewhere (possibly from another Jezebel commenter) and it has stuck with me ever since.

This is a huge surprise. Because women, in the past, when faced with an unwanted pregnancy and no access to safe abortions, have never ever tried any desperate measure that they can think of to end the pregnancy.

I find men to be very emotional, it is simply not called “being emotional” when they flip out and get angry. The male emotional reaction to things is considered completely rational. The weird, paranoid fragility of masculinity is also not called an emotional reaction, when it clearly is. On top of that, women are not

Because men don’t see the emotional work. Women are socialized from birth to recognize and respond to it. Men are not. The effort to bring men up to speed is exhausting. You talk and talk and talk until you’re blue in the face, hoping for one *aha* moment, and when it happens, they expect a freaking trophy because

But part of the problem is that asking is part of the emotional work. Recognizing that it needs to be done, planning it, delegating tasks, all of that goes unseen.

Do you ever just read stuff like this and think “we as a species really deserve to be hit by a meteor”?

Worth it for more of this....

I hate this attitude that talking about money is vulgar. Yeah, it can be if people are bragging or using it to push other people down. If it’s a frank discussion about what everyone is making and where people stand in a company, than we need to have that talk.

and so was Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind.

But baby it’s less rapey outside.

Let’s be honest. It’s Christmas who has declared war on November. #IStandWithNovember

Why do people do that? I received a “I love him so much and you and I need to get along for his sake” text from the girl he had cheated on me with and then left me for. I replied back that she wasn’t the only girl I’d discovered that he’d cheated with, and if she wanted to keep him she’d probably want to start

Given that sending someone whose husband left them for you any form of written communication is horseshit, I think this was an appropriate response.

I would comment on the nature of his article itself, but I knew he was a world class bullshitter when he humble-bragged that on his very first trip to the snackateria, he managed to make his partner squirt.