
more of a fool than someone who reports an envelope of glitter to the FBI for investigation and possible charges?

Everytime I hear stories like this it only furthers my belief that the rules for training young children how to behave properly are the same as training a dog.

The faith groups are demanding that they continue to be given federal funding


Without a doubt... Worth it.

Scott Eastwood took off his shirt. Pretty worth it.

Hey losers, try doing something constructive with your time. Help children who actually exist.

because most, if not all abortions that happen after 20 weeks are because fetal abnormalities or life of the mother anyway. Women just don't wake up at 20 weeks and are like 'fuck being pregnant anymore' and get an abortion. At 20 weeks the pregnancy is a wanted one. Putting limits on this time frame makes a very

So I wanted to design my own invitations. And we were being frugal so I went to some website and designed and ordered my own cards myself. I was really into having this be MY thing. Iwas going to get them just like I wanted and I really played with formats and got creative. My partner gave me full reign and I didn't

The vendor should have told the bride, "Hey, we ran out of the doilies you liked. Here are some other options, so pick one, and I'll cut 20% off the cost of doing the remaining ones." That's how you fix a screw up as a vendor.

This didn't happen to me exactly, but it's still pretty awesome. So my aunt was getting married (c.1982), a few years before I existed, and her wedding color was a light mauve. She picked out nice mauve invitations with dark text which were surprisingly elegant considering it was the early 80s. She gave them to her

Yes, exactly. It's like what do they think is going to happen or change by forcing women to listen to a fetal heartbeat? It's as if they think women are monsters who have no clue what's going on. "Oh, its a heartbeat? That changes everything! I can now afford a baby, have time to raise a baby, the father is staying

The clinics should put and actual hoop on the floor and have the clients jump through it and call that the test.

That the road for empowerment for women doesn't need to involve abortion as wives, as mothers, as sisters as friends.

I wonder if Chuck Johnson ever got over the fact that his mother is a woman.

"You're a conservative, and you just don't know it yet,"

Sometimes a cigar is just a big, fat cock.

Jezebel: The Meanest Blog Out There!

You should make t-shirts of that.