

That ain't even right... But it's how I feel about Benedict and Sophie.

Kenna needs to slow the fuck down.

Level of surprise: 2.5/10.

Look Science, I don't know that I exactly care what it is. I just want to know how to do it. Just to add to my list of abilities. For me.

I mean, how hard could it be to collect samples and run a chemical analysis?

"Other" means I don't want most people's kids at/in my wedding, but there are a couple who I actually give a shit about who should be there. I want my only niece there. I don't want my fiance's college roommate's stepdaughter there. Too many kids can get out of control, they don't tend to like weddings anyway unless a

I had a live-in boyfriend for a while. He works like 15 hours a week and more often at night while I'm a 9-5er too (45-50 hrs a week more like). I'd always get so upset coming home after working 9 hours to a fucking wreck with his shit everywhere and mud caked on my SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ORIGINAL HARDWOODS. After he

This! This is why marriage is in decline for lower income people. Single women/single mothers are trying to make it work on one income, but they (the heterosexual ones at least) aren't attaching themselves to a man because men are useless. If Hanna Rosin is right and we've reached the end of men, it seems like it

My husband is unemployed, and I am at my wits end. MY HOUSE SHOULD BE FUCKING SPOTLESS. He does nothing. Oh and we are separated but still co-cohabiting because he is unemployed and we don't have extra money for him to move out. FML.

I terminated a very wanted pregnancy at 26 weeks gestation in June. My daughter had a genetic duplication and abnormalities that would have ensured that her life was brief and painful, had she even survived the rest of pregnancy and birth. If I was not extremely privileged to have excellent health insurance and enough

Comparing it to torture? But they don't have any problems with torture.

He knows where that number comes from; he pulled it out of his ass.

If only they gave a shit about the 30,000 pain feeling american humans that are killed by guns every year.

Nick seems to have been a source of accurate and straightforward information, so fair play to him.

* We wake up and cuddle, talk, make love, be affectionate.

Where is this girl? Running for her damn life if she's got an ounce of sense.

Sometimes I lament the fact that, as a plus-sized lady, I am not what much of society deems attractive.