
Can I just say once again how much I love Jordan Peele?

"I'm gonna set this strap-on to 'agonizing internal burns.'"

I am a card-carrying vagina owner, and I like to think that menstrual blood doesn't phase me, but I draw the line at putting Diva Cups in the dishwasher.


It's called "fuck you, I got mine" and it is a defining feature of conservatism

She's had a rich and varied career, doing basically what she wanted when she wanted, while still raising a family and building a media empire.

Its funny because it seems to imply that some men DON'T go to various college courses and various types of work with the hope of meeting both ladies for the fun sexytimes but also promising women for the settling down and baby making. Which in my experience... they do. When a woman thinks ahead about how maybe she

I . . . I didn't even realize that women going to college was something you could be mad about anymore.

In a culture where we attribute divine intervention, guardian angels, and protective spirits to odds-defying survival we take away the tenacity, will, and strength from those that do, and we tend to do it more so when it's a girl or a woman.


She is amazing, tough, and resilient...

Not miraculous.

Words matter.

And then make them print out their posts and display them prominently in their dental office waiting rooms. These people are training to be medical professionals, entrusted with the power to administer anesthetics and prescribe drugs.

Correction... this should read INCREDIBLE. (I prefer BADASS but it's network)

Please don't attribute her amazing awesomeness to divine intervention.

Just don't.

"She asked if she could stay here."

They really should be expelled. Guys who think drugging and raping people is funny should not have access to the drugs that dentists so commonly use to numb pain or make people unconscious.

Are you telling me that every week there is a room with both Donald Trump and Piers Morgan in it at the same time? We let this happen more than once?

Here's my question - why did nobody go back and edit this after the fact? They could have simply altered it to appear that Pullam was fired for leading the losing team - which happens a lot. Why leave this in now that its clear that Pullam might have had VERY good reasons for not calling Cosby?

oh, this is just sad.

I don't recall, but I made them like a machine.

vomited on myself while naked and crying.

Well, there are technically responsible gun owners (at least up here in Canada). I am married to one. Three hunting rifles, unloaded, locked in a gun safe, key and ammunition not kept in the house. It is very easy to be responsible. However, I'm not sure how you can keep a gun for protection and be responsible about