
if your wife wanted to do butt stuff, you would've done it.

Can I have a moment for some shameless self promotion? About a year ago I came to the Jez community asking for advice about my Etsy shop. I had a few sales under my belt, but my dreams of running a vintage shop full time were so far out of reach that I was starting to feel discouraged. Today, just a little over a year

well, I mean, she was walking while black, so...what did she expect was gonna happen?

AND, the people who are pushing for abortion restrictions are also the ones that are always preaching about how "poor women, women of color, undocumented immigrants, etc." need to stop having more children that they need government assistance to support. Like nobody explained to them that sex - bc - abortion = more

There's always one jackass who has to say this.

As someone who has personally made the choice to have an abortion in the state of Texas, I can say that the entire thing is ridiculous. I understand that everyone has an opinion about it, and that's fine, but I had to jump through a lot of hoops for a procedure that took less time than a pap (literally- when done

The truly sad/infuriating part of this is that we all know that outlawing abortion doesn't end abortion, its ends LEGAL abortions. Which means that women will die trying to rid themselves of an unwanted pregnancy. And it is not that the anti-choicers aren't aware of this fact, it is that they straight up DO NOT CARE.

I honestly don't know how anyone can delude themselves into thinking getting rid of legal abortion will somehow stop all abortions ever. Pretty sure abortion has been around since the first person figured out that eating certain herbs induced miscarriage.

I'd do Atlas Shrugged. Nobody's going in there. Nobody. Of course then everyone will think I own a copy of Atlas Shrugged but thems the breaks.

Is it safe to conceal a dildo with seamen?

Unfortunately diets also typically don't work. A disturbingly large number of dieters regain and sometimes regain MORE weight than they lost.

The problem is actually that they're detached from her humanity, I think.

I bet knowing you won't suffer any real consequences for your actions helps.

Hedgehog FTW.

They aren't reducing abortion, they're restricting access to safe abortion.

The ignorance of birth control is really sad. People think that if girls use it, they're going to have sex with half the school.

A lot of people with kids seem to think that the knowledge is downloaded to your brain as soon as you give birth. If you don't give birth you can't understand child rearing in any facet at all.

Hell of a story, though. How's anyone to top that during "never-have-i-ever"?

Well, don't expect me to bring you a potted plant in the hospital!