
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Brian Williams is totally doable.

Pictured: The woman's doctor.

Really? Because they have socialised medicine here in the UK and no one in this part of the world ever felt the need to make a show called "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant". Possibly because women in countries with universal healthcare can actually afford to go to the doctor when something starts growing inside them


If there's one thing I wouldn't want, it would be someone in my family marrying a Mormon.

As a nonbeliever, I really wouldn't want to marry a religious person. But my horoscope said that I'm destined to marry someone of deep faith, so idk

I'd bet my last dollar that Hesselbeck would abort a pregnancy resulting from rape. She strikes me as the "the only moral abortion is my abortion" type.

I am curious about how incubating in the uterus of a woman who is essentially dead will impact the fetus? Everything I've read says that the fetus benefits from the sounds of it's mother's voice and the feel of her touch. They learn about the world and people around them while they are gestating. Hell, there are

I had an intake nurse shake his head in disbelief when I told him I didn't know the date of my last menstrual period because I have a Mirena IUD. Should be enough said, right? He shook his head, said, "I've never heard of that. Must be something seriously wrong with that." It took every ounce of self-control I had not

Male circumcision is NOTHING like FGC and shouldn't be considered anywhere on the same level. Making the comparison is completely derailing the discussion. Not to mention the fact that it's possible to care about more than one issue of varying severity at once while not addressing all in a single article..............

I need your foreskins to make my penis-envy flesh suit.

Also satire.

The report doesn't say that it never happens. You need to find another place to grind your ax.

You must be right. The aunt had it coming, and her little dog too.

I can't figure out why, if she's 19, she feels the need to be kidnapped when she is legally allowed to walk out of the house at any time. Of course, I've never wanted to plot a murder either, so maybe I'm just not getting it on a lot of levels.

wtf would you shoot the dog for?

was he cute?

For reals, you guys. That's why they call a tank top an unmarried-friends-with-benefits-beater.

Good thing Jack Torrance is a married man. Look how safe his wife feels!